The meaning of KINK is a short tight twist or curl caused by a doubling or winding of something upon itself. How to use kink in a sentence.
The meaning of KINK is a short tight twist or curl caused by a doubling or winding of something upon itself. How to use kink in a sentence.
The high tensile steel wire ensures the product will not kink in the sharpest bend. Discover More Other Words From un·kinkverb Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofkink1 First recorded in1670–80;fromDutch:“a twist in a rope”; perhaps akin tokick(def) ...
kink i·nessnoun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofkinky1 An Americanism dating back to 1835–45;kink+-y1 Discover More Example Sentences It’s no shock that, for a film that plainly features kinky sex, the “Babygirl” marketing team would want to stress the movie’s raw ...
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word‘kink'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion ofVocabulary.comor its editors.Send us feedback Word Family ...
kink·a·jou (kĭng′kə-jo͞o′) n. An arboreal mammal (Potos flavus) of Central and South America, having brownish fur and a long, prehensile tail. Also called honey bear. [French, from earlier Canadian French quincajou, wolverine (the kinkajou being confused with the wolverine in...
kink·a·jou (kĭng′kə-jo͞o′) n. An arboreal mammal(Potos flavus)of Central and South America, having brownish fur and a long, prehensile tail. Also calledhoney bear. [French, from earlier Canadian Frenchquincajou,wolverine(the kinkajou being confused with the wolverine in early Eu...
This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of kink is. The slang word / phrase / acronym kink means... . Online Slang Dictionary. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations.
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Dogleg, ashape of an oval trackwith a recognizable kink. What is the meaning of green board? :a chalkboard with a green surface: green blackboard. What is the meaning of the word DOGLEG? 30 related questions found Is Green board the same as cement board?