The meaning of ACCIDENTAL is occurring unexpectedly or by chance. How to use accidental in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Accidental. Frequently Asked Questions About accidental.
8. Injurious in effect; detrimental: bad habits. 9. Not working properly; defective: a bad telephone connection. 10. Full of or exhibiting faults or errors: bad grammar. 11. Having no validity; void: passed bad checks. 12. Being so far behind in repayment as to be considered a loss: ...
The meaning of FOR is —used as a function word to indicate purpose. How to use for in a sentence.
Adj.1.detrimental- (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury; "damaging to career and reputation"; "the reporter's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant" damaging,prejudicial,prejudicious harmful- causing or capable of causing harm; "too much sun is harmful to ...
detrimental adjective(1) noun(1) Other Words FromWord History and OriginsExample SentencesRelated WordsWord of the Day Advertisement View synonyms fordetrimental AmericanBritish [ de-truh-men-tl ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA adjective causingdetriment, as loss or injury; damaging; harmful. ...
fly in the face of,to act in defiance of (authority, custom, etc.).Alsofly in the teeth of. fly in the ointment,a detrimental factor; detraction: If there's one fly in the ointment, it's that there may not be the money to finish the job. ...
This is unfortunate because the overuse of vitamins and food supplements can also be detrimental to an athlete’s health. Greater consideration should be given to all categories of drug consumption, not just to the abuse of cocaine and anabolic steroids. One hindrance to the formulation of a ...
Article 1 of that law states, “The Republic ensures freedom of conscience. It guarantees the free exercise of religions subject only to the restrictions set out below in the interest of public order.” The use of the word conscience and the reservation of the right of the government to ...
Related to detrimental reliance:Equitable estoppel,Promissory estoppel Taking an action or failing to take an action because of a representation made by another person that turned out to be untrue. Example:Jake called his mortgage company to find out the remaining balance due on his home loan. T...
--South. Syn: Harmful; hurtful; detrimental; noxious; pernicious; destructive. -- Mis"chie*vous*ly, adv. -- Mis"chie*vous*ness, n. Meaning of Mischievous from wikipedia - Mischief or malicious mischief is the name for a class of criminal offenses that is defined differently in different ...