1 definition of the word absconded. Verb Run away; usually includes taking something or somebody alongWhat Scrabble words can I make with the letters in absconded? 7 Letter Words abscond12 acnodes10 beacons11 deacons10 6 Letter Words aboded10 abodes9 acnode9 adobes9 anodes7 ascend9 bacons10...
” The history ofabsconddoesn’t evade scrutiny: it comes from the Latin verbabscondere, meaning “to hide away.” (That word’s root iscondere, meaning “to conceal.”) Today, whether some joker absconds by going to the country to bury some treasure or by taking a jet airliner beyond...
In legal circles it’s used specifically when someone flies like an eagle from a jurisdiction to evade the legal process, as in “absconded from parole.” The history of abscond doesn’t evade scrutiny: it comes from the Latin verb abscondere, meaning “to hide away.” (That word’s ...
The first records of the wordabscondcome from around the 1600s. It comes from the Latin verbabscondere,meaning “to hide orstow away.” After a personabsconds,they usually go into hiding. In fact, the nounabscondencemeans hiding, especially to avoid the consequences of one’s wrongdoing. ...
"abscond: to `move in a mysterious way', commonly with the property of another" [Ambrose BierceThe Devil's Dictionary] Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 ...
The NAB prosecutor said it was law that a proclaimed offender, absconder or fugitive from law could not be heard, even against an order of abscondence, unless he surrendered himself before the court of law. Court allowed to resume ex parte proceedings against Dar In the reply, the NAB pros...
abs- 3 variant ofab-: absent; abscond. abs. 4 abbreviation for absent. absolute. abstract. A.B.S. 5 abbreviation for American Bible Society. American Bureau of Shipping. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofabs1 An Americanism dating back to1980–85;by shortening ...
withdrawing of funds or an appropriation of someone else's funds for the taker's own benefit. It may be a crime under the laws of a state. It is different fromEmbezzlement, which is a crime committed only if the taker had a lawful right to possession of the money when it was first ...
(Informal) To leave hastily; abscond Skipped out of town. To misfire. Used of an engine. To leap or jump lightly over Skip rope. To pass over without mentioning; omit Skipped the minor details of the story. To miss or omit as one in a series ...
” The history ofabsconddoesn’t evade scrutiny: it comes from the Latin verbabscondere, meaning “to hide away.” (That word’s root iscondere, meaning “to conceal.”) Today, whether some joker absconds by going to the country to bury some treasure or by taking a jet airliner beyond...