Define cyanosis. cyanosis synonyms, cyanosis pronunciation, cyanosis translation, English dictionary definition of cyanosis. n. A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from inadequate oxygenation of the blood. cy′a·not′ic adj
Cyanosis is further classified into central cyanosis and peripheral cyanosis. The mechanism...- cause cyanosis, or blueness of the skin, in babies as a result of low oxygen levels in the blood. This term has traditionally been applied to cyanosis as...- and tissue loss. Acrocyanosis is ...
That's not a lay term either, but when the patient is in oxygen need or oxygen want, cyanosis would be apparent. FromProject Gutenberg The toxæmia is profound, and the face and lips assume a characteristic cyanosis. FromProject Gutenberg ...
(Elements & Compounds) a substance with an acrylate base, usually sold in the form of a quick-setting highly adhesive glue Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
It has also been reported in newborns (both premature and full-term babies). Signs of Acrocyanosis Diagnosis and Treatment Options Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I am a teacher ...
CYANOSIS: Dark purplish coloration of skin and mucous membrane caused by deficient oxygenation of the blood. DANGEROUSLY REACTIVE MATERIAL: Material that can react by itself or with water/air producing hazardous condition. DECOMPOSITION: Breakdown of a material or substance into parts or elements or...
way into the skin and mucous membranes. (See alsojaundice.) Bleeding under the skin and bruises in response to the slightest trauma often are present in anemic and leukemic patients. A bluish tint to the skin (cyanosis) can indicate hypoxia due to inadequate numbers of oxygen-bearing ...
This condition can trigger the body to respond with symptoms of metabolic alkalosis, which may include cyanosis, a bluish or purplish discoloration of the skin due to inadequate oxygen intake. Severe cases of respiratory acidosis can lead to coma and death. Diagnosis Respiratory acidosis may be ...
Cyanoticdefects ("blue babies"):Some types of CHD causecyanosis(bluing). The blood pumped to the body has less-than-normal amounts of oxygen. This results in cyanosis, a bluish discoloration of the skin. Types of cyanotic forms of CHD include: ...
Define the term cyanosis. Define the following term by listing and describing the word parts used to build it: Lymphoma Give a brief definition of Hypernatremia. Define the following term: Hemorrhoids. What are the definitions of the following terms: etiology, symptom of disease, sign of diseas...