speed of light- the speed at which light travels in a vacuum; the constancy and universality of the speed of light is recognized by defining it to be exactly 299,792,458 meters per second light speed,c constant- a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specifie...
speed of light :Definition, Usages, News and More speed of light nthe speed at which light travels in a vacuum; the constancy and universality of the speed of light is recognized by defining it to be exactly 299,792,458 meters per second ...
Kids Definition speed of light : a fundamental physical constant that is the speed at which electromagnetic radiation travels in a vacuum and that has a value of 299,792,458 meters per second More from Merriam-Webster on speed of light Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about speed of ...
The meaning of LIGHT SPEED is the speed of light; also, informal : an extremely fast rate or speed. How to use light speed in a sentence.
b. The illumination derived from a source of light: by the light of the moon. c. The particular quantity or quality of such illumination: moved the lamp closer to get better light. d. The pathway or route of such illumination to a person: You're standing in his light. 4. a. A ...
All colors depend on light. Physics. Also calledlu·mi·nous en·er·gy[loo, -m, uh, -n, uh, s , en, -er-jee];.electromagnetic radiationto which the organs of sight react, ranging in wavelength from about 400 to 700 nanometers and propagated at a speed of 186,282 miles per seco...
The meaning of SPEED is rate of motion. How to use speed in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Speed.
The meaning of DOMAIN is complete and absolute ownership of land. How to use domain in a sentence.
of a percent of thespeed of light. (Protons belong to a category of heavysubatomic particlesknown ashadrons, which accounts for the name of this particle accelerator.) At four points on the ring, the beams can intersect and a small proportion of particles crash into each other. At maximum...
1.rate of moving.a slow speed;The car was travelling at high speed.velocidad 2.quickness of moving.rapidez verb 1.(past tense, past participlessped(sped)ˈspeeded) to (cause to) move or progress quickly; to hurry.The car sped/speeded along the motorway.ir corriendo,ir a toda prisa,ir...