The meaning of TEENS is the numbers 13 to 19 inclusive; specifically : the years 13 to 19 in a lifetime or century. How to use teens in a sentence.
The meaning of INCH is a unit of length equal to 1/3₆ yard. How to use inch in a sentence. Did you know?
I tried to improve the system, but she opposed meevery inch of the way. [=she opposed everything that I tried to do] We searchedevery inch ofthe house. [=we searched the house completely] ◊ The expression(if you) give them an inch, (and) they'll take a milemeans that if you...
Yīngcùn 英寸是长度的度量。 有一英尺12英寸,和一个院子里36英寸。 这个尺子(不按比例)测量高达12英寸(或底部高达30厘米) 缩写是:在中 或者有时双引号:“ 示例:16英寸可以写入16英寸,或只是16“ 一英寸正好为2.54厘米。版权所有 © 2017 MathsIsFun.comEnglish...
Informed about; participating in: Only one business partner was not in on the illegal scheme. in that For the reason that. [Middle English, from Old English; see en in Indo-European roots.] in 2 or in. abbr. inch American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. ...
Yīngcùn 英寸是长度的度量。 有一英尺12英寸,和一个院子里36英寸。 这个尺子(不按比例)测量高达12英寸(或底部高达30厘米) 缩写是:在中 或者有时双引号:“ 示例:16英寸可以写入16英寸,或只是16“ 一英寸正好为2.54厘米。版权所有 © 2017 MathsIsFun.comEnglish...
1.A unit of length in the US Customary and British Imperial systems, equal to1/12of a foot (2.54 centimeters). See Table atmeasurement. 2.A fall, as of rain or snow, sufficient to cover a surface to the depth of one inch.
Alsoinch by small degrees or stages;gradually: The miners worked their way through the narrow shaft inch by inch. every inch,in every respect;completely: That horse is every inch a thoroughbred. within an inch of,nearly; close to: ...
inch; inches. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofin-1 Middle English,Old English;in Origin ofin-2 Middle English-in, -ine<Old French<Latin-inus, -ina, -inum<Greek-inos, -inē, -inon Origin ofin-3 FromLatin,combining form ofin(preposition); cognate within ...
Tom Scott would take all the trade; in two years Gorner stock would go to two hundred, and inside of two more you would see all the other glaciers under the hammer for taxes." After a reflective pause, Harris added, "A little less than an inch a day; a little less than an INCH,...