The meaning of GOLDEN RULE is a rule of ethical conduct referring to Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31: do to others as you would have them do to you. How to use golden rule in a sentence.
The meaning of RULE is a prescribed guide for conduct or action. How to use rule in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Rule.
Britannica Dictionary definition of GOLDEN RULE 1 the Golden Rule:a general rule for how to behave that says that you should treat people the way you would like other people to treat you I try to live bythe Golden Rule. 2 [count]:an important rule to follow when you do something ...
GOLD. A metal used in making money, or coin. It is pure when the metal is unmixed with any other. Standard gold, is gold mixed with some other metal, called alloy. Vide Money. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856...
a gold or gilded rose blessed by the pope on the fourth Sunday in Lent, and sent to some church or person in recognition of special services rendered to the Holy See. – Golden rule. (a) The rule of doing as we would have others do to us. Cf. Luke vi. 31. (b) The ru...
1. Of, relating to, made of, or containing gold. 2. a. Having the color of gold or a yellow color suggestive of gold. b. Lustrous; radiant: the golden sun. c. Suggestive of gold, as in richness or splendor: a golden voice. 3. Of the greatest value or importance; precious. 4...
Define golden perch. golden perch synonyms, golden perch pronunciation, golden perch translation, English dictionary definition of golden perch. n another name for callop Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harpe
rule 1 of 2 noun ˈrül Synonyms ofrule 1 a :a prescribed guide for conduct or action b :the laws or regulations prescribed by the founder of a religious order for observance by its members c :an accepted procedure, custom, or habit ...
The golden rule in fiscal policy has been implemented in a number of countries. While its application varies from country to country, the basic premise of spending less than the government takes in is always at its foundation. Most countries that have adopted the rule—the United States is not...
The golden rule of crisis management is to be proactive. Rather than taking action when a crisis occurs, it is important to be proactive before a crisis occurs. This involves identifying the possible threats to your business and implementing plans on how the business will react if these problems...