1. Being of the color black, producing or reflecting comparatively little light and having no predominant hue. 2. Having little or no light: a black, moonless night. 3. also Black a. Of or belonging to a racial group having brown to black skin, especially one of African origin: the bla...
The meaning of BLACK-AND-WHITE is partly black and partly white in color. How to use black-and-white in a sentence.
blacklyadverb black 2 of 3 noun 1 :a pigment or dye of the color black:a black pigment or dye especially:one consisting largely of carbon 2 :the achromatic (seeachromaticsense 3) color of least lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that neither reflect nor transmit light...
black·smith (blăk′smĭth′) n. 1.One that forges and shapes iron with an anvil and hammer. 2.One that makes, repairs, and fits horseshoes. [From the color of iron.] black′smith′ingn. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by...
black(redirected from Black (color))Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Financial, Encyclopedia. Black (blak), Greene V., U.S. dentist, 1836-1915. See: Black classification. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 black Medspeak-UKA person who, for the purposes of equal ...
BLACK meaning: 1 : having the very dark color of coal or the night sky; 2 : very dark because there is no light
Black/blæk/ Black verb (past & past part.blacked; pres. part.blacking) 1. Make or become black.Synonyms:blacken,melanise,melanize,nigrify."The ceiling blackened" See images of 'Black' Etymology of 'Black' Related searches: Black Africa ...
Color definition: the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue. . See examples of COLO
The phrase is derived from the color of ink used by accountants to enter a positive figure on a company's financial statements. Obviously, it is better to consistently be in the black than in the red as this indicates solid business performance. ...
The meaning of BLACKSNAKE is any of several snakes that are largely black or very dark in color.