According tothedefinition of termsadopted by the TPB, "Government use" means any place, structure or premises used directly [...] 根據城規會的釋義,“政府用途”是指直接 用於或支援政府行政,或提供政府服務和設施的地方、構 築物或處所。
The meaning of MEAN is to have in the mind as a purpose : intend —sometimes used interjectionally with I, chiefly in informal speech for emphasis or to introduce a phrase restating the point of a preceding phrase. How to use mean in a sentence. Synonym
The meaning of MEAN is to have in the mind as a purpose : intend —sometimes used interjectionally with I, chiefly in informal speech for emphasis or to introduce a phrase restating the point of a preceding phrase. How to use mean in a sentence. Synonym
b. either the second or third term in a proportion of four terms. 5. the middle term in a syllogism. adj. 6. occupying a middle position or intermediate place. Idioms: 1. by all means, certainly. 2. by any means, in any way; at all. 3. by means of, by the agency...
minimum of 12 monthly returns are required for this calculation. A beta of 1 means that the market and the stock move up or down together, at the same rate. That is, a 5% up or down move in the market should theoretically result in a 5% up or down ...
to come to terms with one's failings Discover More Idioms and Phrases seebring to terms;come to terms with;contradiction in terms;in no uncertain terms;in terms of;on good terms;on speaking terms. Word of the Day Quiz Q: Which of the following words means both "to approve" and "to ...
In terms of substance, a strict definition of objections leaves more room for what the Special Rapporteur refers to as “reservations [...] 在内容上,严格界定反对可以给特 别报告员所说的“保留对话”,也就是可在保留方与鼓动其放弃保留的伙伴之间 建立的所有辩论程序,留出更...
The wordaverageis of course also very commonly used in more general ways. In math, though, it’s helpful to use more specific terms when determining the most representative or common value in a set of numbers. To illustrate the difference, let’s look at an example set of seven values: ...
supervisor. This never means just another adult is present. Never place the responsibility on the minor to avoid contact. When in doubt, terminate contact. Then call your probation officer and request more information. I have read and understand the above definition of “no contact.” ...
Reliability:the consistency of the scores obtainable from a test.考试信度:考分的一致性 信度是指考试结果的可靠性和稳定性。例如拿一份卷子对同一组学生实施两次或多次测试,如果结果很一致,则说明该测试的信度较高。 Test-retest method:calculated by the means of product-moment correlation of two sets of...