The meaning of TAKEOVER is the action or an act of taking over. How to use takeover in a sentence.
Define taking over. taking over synonyms, taking over pronunciation, taking over translation, English dictionary definition of taking over. Noun 1. taking over - acquisition of property by descent or by will succession acquisition - the act of contractin
Define taken over. taken over synonyms, taken over pronunciation, taken over translation, English dictionary definition of taken over. n. 1. The act of acquiring. 2. Something acquired or gained: added two new acquisitions to my library. American Heritag
The meaning of TAKEOVER is the action or an act of taking over. How to use takeover in a sentence.
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Takeovers, generally mean a company taking over the management of another company. It is a form of acquisition of a company rather than a merger. Takeovers are always a reality in the competing world of business. Merger and acquisition transactions depen
1over/ˈoʊvɚ/adverb Britannica Dictionary definition of OVER 1 :in an upward and forward direction across something The wall's too high for us to climbover. We came to a stream and jumpedover. Throw the ballover. 2 a:downward from an upright position ...
an act of taking control of a country, an area or a political organization by force attempts to prevent the takeover of the Republic by the military TopicsWar and conflictc2 Oxford Collocations Dictionary Seetakeoverin the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySeetakeoverin the Oxford Learner's ...
to bring about a change in the state or condition of: Her ambition and perseverance took her quickly to the top of her field. to conduct or escort: to take someone out for dinner. to set about or succeed in getting over, through, or around (some obstacle); clear; negotiate: ...
regulation and those of government nonintervention has shifted market conditions. Some of the sectors that have been deregulated in the United States include trucking, railroads, and airlines. The financial services industry has been regulated, deregulated, and re-regulated over the years as events ...