Define subacutely. subacutely synonyms, subacutely pronunciation, subacutely translation, English dictionary definition of subacutely. adj. 1. Somewhat or moderately acute: subacute sepals. 2. Between acute and chronic: subacute endocarditis. sub′a·cut
de Quervain thyroiditis- thyroiditis with round cell infiltration, destruction of thyroid cells, epithelial giant cell proliferation, and evidence of regeneration. Synonym(s):subacute granulomatous thyroiditis Quervain abdominal retractor Quervain cranial forceps ...
The remaining 38% were operated after 24 but within 72 hours from injury (early subacute subdural hematoma) and generally had less severe neurologic dysfunction. A functional recovery occurred in 54% and vegetative state or death in 34%. The 128 acute cases are presented in detail to establish...
subacute inflammation a condition intermediate between chronic and acute inflammation, exhibiting some of the characteristics of each. suppurative inflammation one marked by pus formation. toxic inflammation one due to a poison, e.g., a bacterial product. traumatic inflammation one that follows a wound...
A rare disorder manifested clinically by the continuous isometric contraction of many of the somatic muscles; contractions are usually forceful and painful and most frequently involve the trunk musculature, although limb muscles may be involved. This is an autoimmune disease, with circulating antibodies ...
1the costs within an organization that result when managers spend time and effort seeking to influence the decision being made by their superiors in favour of the organization subunits within which the managers work. (SeeINTERNALIZATION.) the costs to organizations of seeking to influence public opin...
1.(Anatomy) a small fluid-filled sac that reduces friction between movable parts of the body, esp at joints 2.(Zoology)zoologyany saclike cavity or structure [C19: from Medieval Latin: bag, pouch, from Greek: skin, hide; see purse] ...
de Quervain thyroiditis- thyroiditis with round cell infiltration, destruction of thyroid cells, epithelial giant cell proliferation, and evidence of regeneration. Synonym(s):subacute granulomatous thyroiditis Quervain abdominal retractor Quervain cranial forceps ...
Roth's spot A small white spot consisting of coagulated fibrin seen in the middle of a retinal haemorrhage. It is associated with leukaemia, but it can be seen in subacute bacterial endocarditis, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy and vascular conditions with capillary fragility. Fig. ...
subacute yellow atrophy submassive necrosis of the liver associated with broad zones of necrosis, due to viral, toxic, or drug-induced hepatitis; it may have an acute course with death from liver failure occurring after several weeks, or clinical recovery may be associated with regeneration of th...