(redirected fromLicensing (strategic alliance)) Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia li·cense (lī′səns) n. 1. a.Official or legal permission to engage in a regulated activity:"He believed that the subcommittee gave him license to interrogate anyone about any possible links to commun...
Strategic Alliance (SA) is a corporate restructuring strategy. It is an agreement between two entities to pool their resources for achieving a common business goal. They are generally entered when each entity in the agreement possesses some kind of expertise. This expertise, when combined, makes t...
in the latter she unites with him for the purpose of making an attack, or jointly waging the war against another nation. Some alliances are both offensive and defensive; and there seldom is an offensive alliance which is not also defensive. Vattel, B. 3, c. 6, Sec. 79; 2 Dall. 15...
The venture is for one specific project only, rather than for a continuing business relationship as in a strategic alliance. It is about sharing risk with others and providing one or more missing and needed assets and competencies. Joint Venturers means Xxxxxxx Mining Limited a company ...
Define Strategic Investor. means a Corporation, partnership or other entity engaged in one or more Telecommunications Businesses that has, or 80% or more of the Voting Stock of which is owned by a Person that has, an equity market capitalization, at the
Related to strategic intelligence:tactical intelligence Intelligence that is required for the formulation of strategy, policy, and military plans and operations at national and theater levels. See also intelligence; operational intelligence; tactical intelligence. ...
strategic•astrategicalliance•The two countriesagreedtojointogether in astrategicalliance.•With suchvalues, how areman-madebrainpowerfirmsto hold on to, andenhance, their onlystrategicasset?•Deployingstrategiccrescendos, they had peoplejumpingspontaneously out of theirseats.•Recognizingit, they ...
of constructs in regard to teamwork interactions across various settings. The definitions and use of terms tend to overlap and sometimes appear to be used interchangeably (e.g., teamwork, cooperation, partnership, strategic alliance), making it difficult to clearly define collaboration (Griffiths et ...
Co-branding is amarketing strategythat utilizes multiplebrandnames on a good or service as part of astrategic alliance. Also known as a brand partnership, co-branding (or "cobranding") encompasses several different types of branding collaborations, typically involving the brands of at least two co...
To enter a new market, a business development team must decide whether to go solo by navigating all required legal formalities or to form astrategic allianceor partnership with firms already operating in that market. Assisted by legal and finance teams, the business development group weighs the pr...