Statistical methods allow an estimate to be made of the probability of the observed degree of association between variables, and from this the statistical significance can be expressed, commonly in terms of the p value. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 statistical significance A term...
Sample size is an important component of statistical significance in that larger samples are less prone to flukes. Only randomly chosen,representative samplesshould be used in significance testing. The level at which one can accept whether an event isstatistically significantis known as the significance...
Statistical Significanceis a way to tell you if your test results are solid. Statistics isn’t an exact science. In fact, you can think of stats as very finely tuned guesswork. As stats is guesswork, we need to know how close our “guess” is. That’s where significance comes in. What...
The flip side of statistical significance is non-significant results. This condition indicates you can’t conclude the sample effect exists in the population. It would not be surprising if sampling error created the appearance of an effect in your sample by chance alone. If that is the case, ...
statistical significance Definitions(1) Word of the Day Advertisement Instatistics, a number that expresses the probability that the result of a given experiment or study could have occurred purely by chance. This number can be a margin of error (“The results of this public opinion poll are ac...
The meaning of STATISTICAL is of, relating to, based on, or employing the principles of statistics. How to use statistical in a sentence.
Having statistical significance is important for academic disciplines or practitioners that rely heavily on analyzing data and research. Mean, Median, and Mode The terms “mean,”“median,” and “mode” fall under the umbrella of central tendency. They describe an element that’s typical in a ...
the significance of a gesture See also Significance level (statistics). Statistical significance. Translations extent to which something matters Arabic: مَعْنَى (ar) (maʿnā) Chinese: 重要性 (zhòngyàoxìng) Czech: význam (cs) m Dutch: betekenis (nl), belang ...
The test for significance is based on whatever statistical test was done in the study. Statistical and clinical significance In terms of the information that an applicant for a proposal will need to provide, this must be proportionate to the significance of the asset and the potential impact of...
1. The state or quality of being significant: a matter of some significance. See Synonyms at importance. 2. A meaning that is expressed or implied: What was the significance of that smile? sig·nif′i·can·cy (-kən-sē) n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, ...