Define stage manager. stage manager synonyms, stage manager pronunciation, stage manager translation, English dictionary definition of stage manager. tr.v. stage-man·aged , stage-man·ag·ing , stage-man·ag·es 1. To serve as overall supervisor of the
The meaning of STAGE MANAGER is one who supervises the physical aspects of a stage production, assists the director during rehearsals, and is in charge of the stage during a performance.
stage manager(noun) stage name(noun) stage right(adverb) stage whisper(noun) center stage(noun) set(verb) 1stage/ˈsteɪʤ/noun Britannica Dictionary definition of STAGE 1 [count]:a particular point or period in the growth or development of something ...
Britannica Dictionary definition of STAGE–MANAGE 1 :to organize the details of (a performance in a theater) [+ object] Shestage-managedlast year's production of the school play. [no object] She was hired tostage-managefor the show. [=to be the show's stage manager] ...
stage-managed; stage-managing; stage-manages Synonyms of stage-manage transitive verb 1 a : to arrange or exhibit so as to achieve a desired effect b : to arrange or direct from behind the scenes 2 : to act as stage manager for stage management noun Examples...
the next stage of the definitionwithTags public abstract ConnectionMonitor.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withTags(Map tags) Specifies tags for the connection monitor. Parameters: tags - tags indexed by name Returns: the next stage of the definitionwithout... Type Parameters ParentT the return type of WithAttach#attach() public static interface TrafficManagerEndpoint.DefinitionStages.WithGeographicLocation The stage of the traffic manager endpoin...
stage-manage vb 1.(Theatre) to work as stage manager for (a play, etc) 2.(tr) to arrange, present, or supervise from behind the scenes:to stage-manage a campaign. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
WithScopeStage View.DefinitionStages.WithTimePeriod View.DefinitionStages.WithTimeframe View.DefinitionStages.WithTypePropertiesType View.Update View.UpdateStages View.UpdateStages.WithAccumulated View.UpdateStages.WithChart View.UpdateStages.WithDataSet View.UpdateStages.WithDisplayName View.UpdateStages.WithEtag...
WithScopeStage View.DefinitionStages.WithTimePeriod View.DefinitionStages.WithTimeframe View.DefinitionStages.WithTypePropertiesType View.Update View.UpdateStages View.UpdateStages.WithAccumulated View.UpdateStages.WithChart View.UpdateStages.WithDataSet View.UpdateStages.WithDisplayName View.UpdateStages.WithEtag...