1.(Biology)biology a.any of the taxonomic groups into which a genus is divided, the members of which are capable of interbreeding: often containing subspecies, varieties, or races. A species is designated in italics by the genus name followed by the specific name, for exampleFelis domesticus...
n.pl.species 1.BiologyAgroupofcloselyrelatedorganismsthatareverysimilartoeachotherandareusuallycapableofinterbreedingandproducingfertileoffspring.Thespeciesisthefundamentalcategoryoftaxonomicclassification,rankingbelowagenusorsubgenus.Speciesnamesarerepresentedinbinomialnomenclatureby anuncapitalizedLatinadjectiveornounfollowin...
new (=not known about before, or not existing before )A new species of spider has been discovered in a field in Cambridgeshire.native (=having always been in a particular country)Desert broom is a species native to Arizona.bird/animal/plant speciesYou can see many different bird species on...
Biology.the major subdivision of a genus or subgenus, regarded as the basic category of biological classification, composed of related individuals that resemble one another, are able to breed among themselves, but are not able to breed with members of another species. ...
In biology, the definition of species goes by this:“Species is the lowest taxonomic rank and the most basic unit or category of biological classification”. One can also define species as an individual belonging to a group of organisms (or the entire group itself) having common characteristics...
type species- (biology) the species that best exemplifies the essential characteristics of the genus to which it belongs biological science,biology- the science that studies living organisms species- (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed ...
... Origin of Species" the fundamental conceptions and the aims of the students of living Nature have been completely changed... But the impulse thus given to scientific thought rapidly spread beyond the ordinarily recognised limits of Biology. Psychology, Ethics, Cosmology were stirred to their ...
two closely related species Nearly 850 species of birds have been identified within the country's borders. a rare species of beetle There are many species of dog(s). The effect of climate change on species richness was evaluated. Wordfinder Wordfinder Extra ExamplesTopics Animalsb2, Biologyb2 ...
Explore species diversity. Learn the species diversity definition and understand its importance. Find species diversity examples and discover their...
For example, conservation efforts could begin to save a species that has been classified as endangered, i.e. on the verge of extinction. Research A specialist or an expert in the field of biology is called a biologist. Biologists look upon the biophysical, biomolecular, cellular, and systemic...