Examples of smh used in texting: 1. "omg I just won the lottery!!! SMHO!!" 2. "I can't believe my favorite band just announced a new album! SMHO!!" 3. "My crush just asked me out on a date! SMHO!!" These examples demonstrate how SMHO can be used to express extreme excitemen...
What doessmhmean? View the definition ofsmhand all related slang terms containingsmhbelow: smh : shaking my head Usage of SMH SMH stands for 'shaking my head' and is used as an expression of disappointment or disbelief in a situation. The abbreviation is often seen in text messages, emails...
Avoid using slang in formal situations, such as at work or in legal contexts. This rule applies to both verbal and written communication. What are examples of slang? Examples of slang include “word” (an acknowledgment), “sus” (short for suspicious), and “SMH” (internet slang for “...
SMH Definitions include: acronym for "shaking my head". biffle Definitions include: pronunciation of BFFL. CBA Definitions include: acronym for "can't be arsed". (show 278 more) Other terms relating to 'to laugh': HA Definitions include: "Hell's Angels". ho Definitions include: a prostitut...
Avoid using slang in formal situations, such as at work or in legal contexts. This rule applies to both verbal and written communication. What are examples of slang? Examples of slang include “word” (an acknowledgment), “sus” (short for suspicious), and “SMH” (internet slang for “...
Definitions include: used to indicate laughter in text-based communication. FU Definitions include: acronym for "fuck you". gc Definitions include: acronym for "group chat". SMH Definitions include: acronym for "shaking my head". GIYF Definitions include: acronym for "Google is your friend". DN...
SMH F4F MCM TBH ISO TY FBF L4L What is SlangDefinition? SlangDefinition is a modern slang dictionary that provides you with definitions of popular slang words, phrases, acronyms, abbreviations, initialisms and hashtags. In addition to definitions, we give you examples of how each term can be...
text messaging n. 1.The process by which text messages are transmitted. 2.The service provided by a telecommunications company for transmitting text messages. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Pub...
SIT Stay in touch. SMH Shaking my head. STFU Shut the f*** up! SUP What's up? SUS Suspicious. Suspect. SWL Screaming with laughter. SYS See you soon. TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. TBF To be fair. TBH To be honest. TFTI Thanks for the invite. TFW That...
Hello,in this link http://dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a028054.pdf a paper „Maximum Theoretical Angular Accuracy of Planer and Linear Arrays of Sensors“ can be found.The accuracies are given in equations 19 (respect to the x axis) and 20 (respect to the y axis).My question is:...