Define sine die. sine die synonyms, sine die pronunciation, sine die translation, English dictionary definition of sine die. adv. Without a day specified for a future meeting; indefinitely: Parliament was dismissed sine die. American Heritage® Diction
The meaning of SINE DIE is without any future date being designated (as for resumption) : indefinitely. How to use sine die in a sentence.
sine (saɪn) (of an angle)n (Mathematics) a.a trigonometric function that in a right-angled triangle is the ratio of the length of the opposite side to that of the hypotenuse b.a function that in a circle centred at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system is the ratio of the ...
The meaning of SINE is the trigonometric function that for an acute angle is the ratio between the leg opposite the angle when it is considered part of a right triangle and the hypotenuse.
SISTER. A woman who has the same father and mother with another, or has one of them only. In the first case she is called sister, simply; in the second, half sister. Vide Brother; Children; Descent; Father; Mother. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United...
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, ...
after the preposition statt ("instead of, in place of"): Ich kam statt deiner in die Mannschaft. –"I joined the team in your place." (This may sound antiquated, for which reason an deiner Statt or an deiner Stelle can be used. Nota bene: deiner here is not a genitive, but a pos...
dieichzunächstnachderOxoniensisvonLINDSAYabdrucke(9,4,5f.)2:Populusesthumanaemultitudinis,iurisconsensuetconcordicommunio-ne sociatus.Populusautemeodistataplebibus,quodpopulusuniversicivessunt,connumeratissenioribuscivitatis.[Plebsautemreliquumvul-gussinesenioribuscivitatis].Populusergototacivitasest;...
(357)Verb Pars orationis cum tempore et persona sine casu aut agere aliquidaut pati aut neutrum significans (359)Adverb Pars orationis, quae adiecta verbo significationem eius explanatatque implet (362)Partizip Pars orationis partem capiens nominis, partem verbi; nominis ge-nera et casus,...
and the sine of the angle theta,θ, between the path of the second particle and the direction of the magnetic field; that is,F=q2B1v2sinθ. Theforceis zero if the second charge is travelling in the direction of the magnetic field and is greatest if it travels at right angles to the...