Psychology definition for Similarity in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students. Help us get better.
Erin has an M.Ed in adult education and a BS in psychology and a BS in management systems. Cite this lesson As individuals, we like some people more than we like others. Explore the concepts of liking and attraction, and examine how they are affected by similarity, reciprocal liking, ...
in the database. This is done in two steps. In the first step an automatic syntactic analysis provides linguistical knowledge about the terms of the database. In the second step this knowledge is compared by statistical similarity computation. Various experiments with different similarity measures ...
SIMILARITY (Psychology)Burnout' is one of those medical terms that lack a consensual definition, although its definitions may appear very similar. This paper outlines and discusses research carried out to find the shared elements of the original reference definitions of 'burnout' used in ...
Effects of Visual Similarity on Serial Report and Item Recognition. Four experiments examined the sensitivity of visual short-term memory to visual pattern similarity. Experiment 1 showed that immediate serial memory for no... Avons,E S.,Mason,... - 《Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology》...
two invariably were recognized. The law of association bycontiguitystates that thesensationorideaof a particular object tends to evoke the idea of something that has often been encountered together with it. The law of association bysimilaritystates that the sensation or idea of a particular object ...
that figuratively, at least, one could conceivably have been spit from the mouth of the other, an interesting concept especially in light of recent breakthroughs in the fields of genetics and cloning. Since an earlier expression wasthe very spit, imageserves to emphasize the similarity in appearan...
(redirected fromPhonological similarity effect) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia working memory n. 1.A portion of digital memory reserved for data to be temporarily stored during the running of a program. Also calledworking storage. 2.The part of the mind that stores and manipulates information in the...
The similarity brings a sense of belonging, creates a connection, and helps individuals fit in better. Distinctiveness explains the need for an individual to see the difference among various groups and perceive them as being separate from one another. People tend to make comparisons with other ...
of proximity, for example, states that we tend to group objects close to each other into a single unit. Theprinciple of closurestates that we tend to fill in gaps in incomplete figures to create a complete perception. Other gestalt principles includecontinuity,connectedness, andsimilarity. ...