Some know “sigma” as the18th letter of the Greek alphabetbut it’s also teen slang for a cool dude. According toKnow Your Meme, sigma is “referring to a supposed classification for men who are successful and popular, but also silent and rebellious.” Sigma males are “considered ‘equal...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All What do SCOTUS, POTUS, and FLOTUS mean?
10 definitions of the word stimulating. Adjective Rousing or quickening activity or the senses That stimulates Making lively and cheerful Verb Act as a stimulant Cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner Stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of ...
Masculine are such as end in {nu}, {rho}, {sigma}, or in some letter compounded with {sigma},--these being two, and {xi}. View in context The jolliest person present, as well as the most important, was of course old Santa Claus; so he was given the seat of honor at one end...
sigma8 signa6 simar7 singe6 siren5 slain5 slang6 slier5 slime7 sling6 smear7 smile7 snail5 snare5 snarl5 4 Letter Words able6 abri6 ager5 ages5 agin5 ails4 aims6 ains4 airn4 airs4 albs6 ales4 alme6 alms6 amen6 amie6 amin6 amir6 amis6 anes4 anil4 anis4 arbs6 ares4 aril...
10. Of great force or violence: high winds. 11. a. Informal Excited or euphoric: high spirits. b. Slang Intoxicated by alcohol or a drug, such as cocaine or marijuana. 12. Luxurious; extravagant: high living. 13. Linguistics Of or relating to vowels produced with part of the tongue ...
Dictionary found the earliest printed use of "dough" as a slang term for money in 1851: "He thinks he will pick his way out of the Society’s embarrassments, provided he can get sufficient dough.” The quote appeared in the Yale Tomahawk, a publication of Yale's Alpha Sigma Phi ...
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Science & Medicine (2) Organizations, Schools, etc. (0) Business & Finance (1) Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0) Sort results:alphabetical| rank? Rank Abbr.Meaning DMAICDefine, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control DMAICDesign, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (5 stages of Six Sigma Quality ...
Rank Abbr.Meaning DFSSDesign For Six Sigma DFSSDepartment of Family and Support Services (Chicago, IL) DFSSDental Fear Survey Schedule DFSSDefence Force School of Signals (Australian Defence Force) DFSSDielectric Frequency Selective Surface DFSSDetoxification Fear Survey Schedule (questionnaire) ...