The meaning of SHEAF is a quantity of the stalks and ears of a cereal grass or sometimes other plant material bound together. How to use sheaf in a sentence.
The meaning of SHEAF is a quantity of the stalks and ears of a cereal grass or sometimes other plant material bound together. How to use sheaf in a sentence.
Define sheaves. sheaves synonyms, sheaves pronunciation, sheaves translation, English dictionary definition of sheaves. n. Plural of sheaf. n. Plural of sheave2. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016
Great sheaves of shadow and darkness are gathered up, trembling in the far depths of the sky. FromProject Gutenberg Quiz Q: What does APLOMB mean? a distinguishing mark or feature; stamp. imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance. ...
a sheaf of papers. verb (used with object) to bind (something) into a sheaf or sheaves. Discover More Other Words From sheaf like adjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofsheaf1 before 900;Middle Englishshefe(noun),Old Englishschēaf;cognate withDutchschoofsheaf,GermanSchaubwis...
Definition of Sheaf SheafSheaf Sheaf, n. (Mech.) A sheave. [R.] SheafSheaf Sheaf, v. t. To gather and bind into a sheaf; to make into sheaves; as, to sheaf wheat. SheafSheaf Sheaf, v. i. To collect and bind cut grain, or the like; to make sheaves. They that reap must shea...
Define sheath. sheath synonyms, sheath pronunciation, sheath translation, English dictionary definition of sheath. n. pl. sheaths 1. a. A usually close-fitting case or covering for a blade, as of a sword. b. Any of various similar coverings. 2. Biology A
A new definition of analytic adjoint ideal sheaves for quasi-plurisubharmonic (quasi-psh) functions with only neat analytic singularities is studied and shown to admit some residue short exact sequences which are obtained by restricting sections of the newly defined adjoint ideal sheaves to some ...
Learn the definition of Pully and browse a collection of 51 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
Direct may refer to: Directed set, in order theory Direct limit of (pre), sheaves Direct sum of modules...- developing military-grade directed-energy weapons, while Iran and Turkey claim to have them in active service. The first use of directed-energy weapons in combat...- specifically in...