semiconservative replicationAlso found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. sem·i·con·ser·va·tive replication (sĕm′ē-kən-sûr′və-tĭv, sĕm′ī-) n. The normal process of DNA synthesis, in which the two original strands of the molecule separate, and ...
semiconductor unit semiconscious semi-conscious semiconsciousness semiconservative replication semiconsonant semi-consonant semi-controlled mosaic Semicope semicrystalline Semicubical Semicubical parabola Semicubium semicured semicylinder Semicylindric semicylindrical ▼...
The meaning of SEMICONSERVATIVE is relating to or being genetic replication in which a double-stranded molecule of nucleic acid separates into two single strands each of which serves as a template for the formation of a complementary strand that together
Origin of semiconductor 1 First recorded in 1875–80;semi-+conductor Words Nearbysemiconductor semicivilized semiclassical semicolon semicoma semiconducting semiconductor semiconductor diode semiconductor laser semiconscious semiconservative replication semicrystalline ...
There are three models of DNA replication. These models are the conservative model, the semiconservative model, and the dispersive model. What is meant by Semiconservative replication of DNA? The semiconservative model of DNA replication illustrates how the two strands of the parental DNA molecule sep...
DNA replicationis the process of copying and duplicating aDNAmolecule. The process is carried out in asemiconservativeway. This means that the new DNA molecule will consist of two strands: one that is newly created and the other is the original strand. ...
the strand inDNAreplication that is synthesized discontinuously, to generate Okazaki fragments (named after R. Okazaki who first detected them). These are later sealed byDNALIGASE. SeeDNA,SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION MODEL. Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders...
Synonym(s):semicanalis tubae auditivae[TA],semicanalis tubae audito'riae[TA],semicanal of auditory tube Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ca·nal for phar·yn·go·tym·pan·ic (aud·i·tor·y) tube (kă-nal fă-ringgō-tim-panik awdi-tōr-ē tūb) [TA] ...
Definition to go and return to return to resume to return to a normal or original state to repeat again to recover to restore to turn over to reply to answer to reply to a letter to retaliate to carry out to double to overlap
Define Semiconduction. Semiconduction synonyms, Semiconduction pronunciation, Semiconduction translation, English dictionary definition of Semiconduction. ) n. 1. Any of various solid crystalline substances, such as germanium or silicon, having electrica