Define self-insurer. self-insurer synonyms, self-insurer pronunciation, self-insurer translation, English dictionary definition of self-insurer. n. Insurance of oneself or one's possessions against possible loss by regularly setting aside funds. self′-i
The meaning of SELF-HARM is the act of purposely hurting oneself (as by cutting or burning the skin) as an emotional coping mechanism —called also self-injury, self-mutilation. How to use self-harm in a sentence.
self-in·flict·ed-in-ˈflik-təd :inflicted by oneself aself-inflictedwound More from Merriam-Webster onself-inflicted Thesaurus:All synonyms and antonyms forself-inflicted Nglish:Translation ofself-inflictedfor Spanish Speakers
Define self-harm. self-harm synonyms, self-harm pronunciation, self-harm translation, English dictionary definition of self-harm. n. See self-injury. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton
self -in·ju ri·ousadjective un in·ju ri·ousadjective un in·ju ri·ous·lyadverb un in·ju ri·ous·nessnoun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofinjurious1 1375–1425;late Middle English<Latininjūriusorinjūriōsus.Seeinjury,-ous ...
self -in ju·rynounpluralselfinjuries Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofinjury1 First recorded in 1350–1400;Middle Englishinjurie,fromLatininjūria“unlawful conduct, injustice,” equivalent toin-in-3+jūr-,stem ofjūs“right, law” (jus,just1) +-ia-ia ...
One of the biggest obstacles to scientific and clinical work on NSSI has been confusion about how to define and classify episodes of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI). NSSI is the direct, deliberate destruction of one's own body tissue in the absence of suicidal intent. NSSI is direct in that...
The Right to Protect One's Person and Property From Injury It will be proper to consider the following: The extent of the right of self-defense. By whom it may be exercised. Against whom. For what causes. Regarding the Extent of the Right of Self-Defense First, when threatened violence ...
The levels of subjectivewell-being increase with the number of people an individual can trust and confide in andwith whom he or she can discuss problems or important matters. Therapist care • Body mechanics • Protective gear (masks, gowns, gloves, etc) • Self-care •Injury prevention...
Related to repetitive strain injury:tendonitis repetitive strain injury n.Abbr.RSI Damage to tendons, nerves, and other soft tissues that is caused by the repeated performance of a limited number of physical movements and is characterized by numbness, pain, and a wasting and weakening of muscles....