Define Line segment. means a 1 000- hook section of line or a 1 200 m section of line, whichever is the shorter, and for pot lines a 1 200 m section.
dude - an informal form of address for a man; "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"; "Hey buster, what's up?" buster, fellow adult male, man - an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman); "there were two women and six men on the bus" 2. dude - a man who is much...
Initiatives relying on artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver socially beneficial outcomes—AI for social good (AI4SG)—are on the rise. However, existing attempts to understand and foster AI4SG initiatives have so far been limited by the lack of normat
Prudent Servicing Practices The standard of care set forth in each Servicing Agreement. Delinquency Collection Policies and Procedures The delinquency collection policies and procedures of the Interim Servicer, a copy of which is attached to the Interim Servicing Agreement as Exhibit 11. CREFC® Speci...
(MDGs). Development involves a wider notion of well-being and of poverty. An international debate led to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of 2015 (SDGs), which underline the three dimensions of sustainability. This chapter examines the major novelties of the SDGs with respect to the MDGs....
Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of...
1.something that provides an indication, esp of trends. Seeeconomic indicator 2.(Mechanical Engineering) a device to attract attention, such as the pointer of a gauge or a warning lamp 3.(Mechanical Engineering) an instrument that displays certain operating conditions in a machine, such as a ...
Assessing energy sustainability is important since energy is a key factor of all economies. However, energy generation imposes large pressures on the environment and is mostly based on limited resources. Energy sustainability is related with the provision of adequate, reliable, and affordable energy, ...
a swimwear company likely has better sales in the summer, and toy companies likely perform better in the period preceding Christmas. Sales forecasts and reports often adjust to account for seasonal variation, and the companies often change the amount ofinventorythey carry to ensure that they are ...
1) “institutional investor” under section 304 of the Securities and Futures Act 2001 (“SFA”), which means: (i) the Government; (ii) a statutory board as may be prescribed by regulations made under section 341 of the SFA; (iii) an entity that is wholly and beneficially owned, whether...