Define sarcoplasmic reticulum. sarcoplasmic reticulum synonyms, sarcoplasmic reticulum pronunciation, sarcoplasmic reticulum translation, English dictionary definition of sarcoplasmic reticulum. n. The form of endoplasmic reticulum found in striated musc
The meaning of SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM is the specialized endoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle and skeletal striated muscle that functions especially as a storage and release area for calcium.
Origin of sarcous 1 First recorded in 1830–40;sarc-+-ous Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024 British Dictionary definitions for sarcous sarcous /(ˈsɑːkəs)/
The first known use ofreticulumwas circa 1658 See more words from the same year Phrases Containingreticulum endoplasmic reticulum rough endoplasmic reticulum sarcoplasmic reticulum Dictionary Entries Nearreticulum reticulose reticulum retie See More Nearby Entries ...
Aside from the rough and the smooth types, there are special kinds (or subtypes) of endoplasmic reticulum. Examples are the transitional endoplasmic reticulum and the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The transitional type is involved in molecular transport whereas the sarcoplasmic reticulum is primarily concerned ...
network of tubules that extend throughout muscle cells and each segment of the sarcoplasmic reticulum forms a cuff-like structure surrounding a myofibril, the fine contractile fibers that extend the length of the striated muscle cell, wrapping around it but do not come in direct contact with it...
Related to sarcoplasmatic:sarcoplasmic sar·co·plasm (sär′kə-plăz′əm) n. The cytoplasm of a striated muscle fiber. sar′co·plas·mat′ic(-măt′ĭk),sar′co·plas′mic(-mĭk)adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016...
C. outside of the muscle fibers and from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. D. interstitial fluid outside of the muscle fibers and the T tubules. E. T tubules and the triads. 查看完整题目与答案 级差地租概念的最初提出者是( ) A. 布阿吉尔贝尔 B. 李嘉图 C. 配第 D. 斯密 查看完整题目与...
Endoplasmic reticulum, continuous membrane system that forms a series of flattened sacs within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells and serves multiple functions, being important particularly in the synthesis, folding, modification, and transport of protein
In animals who are MH susceptible and also have RYR-1 mutations elevated temperature leads to increased calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum stimulates the enzymatic induction of compounds called reactive nitroso intermediates. These compounds, in turn alter the mutated ryanodine receptor ...