Define Salt (chemistry). Salt (chemistry) synonyms, Salt (chemistry) pronunciation, Salt (chemistry) translation, English dictionary definition of Salt (chemistry). n. 1. A usually whitish crystalline solid, chiefly sodium chloride, used extensively in g
this refers totable salt, which issodium chlorideor NaCl.In chemistry, sodium chloride is an example of a type of salt. A salt is anioniccompoundproduced byreactinganacidwith abaseor occurring as a natural mineral. In other words, a salt is produced by a ...
Salts of a strong acid and weak base are acidic with pH value less than 7 and those of a strong base and weak acid are basic in nature, with pH value more than 7The salt formed by the combination of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution is called sodium chloride. This is the...
Nicky has a PhD in Physical Chemistry. A salt is a compound composed of two ions - a positively charged ion and a negatively charged ion. The attraction between the two ions forms strong ionic bonds, giving salts a hard and brittle crystalline structure. Salts have other specific properties ...
garlic salt; celery salt. Chemistry.any of a class of compounds formed by the replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms of an acid with elements or groups, which are composed of anions and cations, and which usually ionize in solution; a product formed by the neutralization of an acid by...
Salt – An Introduction In chemistry, a byproduct of salt is created when an acid and a base react. A salt is made up of the negative ion (anion) of an acid and the positive ion (cation) of a base. A neutralisation reaction occurs when an acid and a base interact. Salt is also ...
Examples of compounds include table salt or sodium chloride (NaCl, an ionic compound), sucrose (a molecule), nitrogen gas (N2, a covalent molecule), a sample of copper (intermetallic), andwater (H2O, a covalent molecule). Examples of chemical speciesnotconsidered compounds include the hydrogen...
Above the salt, Below the salt , phrases which have survived the old custom, in the houses of people of rank, of placing a large saltcellar near the middle of a long table, the places above which were assigned to the guests of distinction, and those below to dependents, inferiors, an...
An example of a pure substance would be table salt (NaCl). It is a compound that is made up of one sodium atom and one chlorine atom. It also has a uniform structure. What is a pure substance in chemistry? A pure substance is made up of one type of element or one type of compoun...
An acid and a base react with each other in aneutralization reaction. In neutralization, anaqueousacid and aqueous base produce an aqueous solution of salt and water. If the salt is saturated or insoluble, then it mayprecipitateout of the solution. ...