Define Royalty Expenses. means expenses incurred by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to CEMEX Parent or Subsidiary of CEMEX Parent which is not also a member of the Group as (a) consideration for the granting to the Company or any Subsidiary of a l
The Royalty Option is a non-financial liability that has been recorded at a cost of $2,886,514; transaction costs of $246,673 allocated to the Royalty Option on a pro-rata basis were expensed in professional fees in the year ended January 31, 2018. The fair value was determined to be... simple 1.An estate in land of which the inheritor has unqualified ownership and power of disposition. 2.Private ownership of real estate in which the owner has the right to control, use, and transfer the property at will. ...
The meaning of PATENT is open to public inspection —used chiefly in the phrase letters patent. How to use patent in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Patent.
The meaning of PATENT is open to public inspection —used chiefly in the phrase letters patent. How to use patent in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Patent.
Often employees who invent something in the course and scope of their employment transfer and assign their property rights in the invention to their employer. In addition, a patent holder, or patentee, can grant a license to another to use the invention in exchange for payment or a royalty....
of its value. Company-owned outlets yield a greater profit to the franchisor than the royalty payments received from the franchisee. Other franchisees claim that their licenses have been revoked or not renewed upon expiration because they complained to various state and federal agencies of the ways...
Define ldg. ldg synonyms, ldg pronunciation, ldg translation, English dictionary definition of ldg. abbreviation for leading: Ldg seaman. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1
These requirements for professional licensing are meant to ensure quality and provide the public with confidence in those professions. Some may argue that weakening licensing requirements or reducing fees could put the public at risk.6But licensing fees may also inadvertently limit the number of profes...
The exclusivity or non-exclusivity of a given arrangement. Scaling terms, such that new royalty fees will be incurred if the property is reused a certain number of times. For example, a book publisher may enter a licensing agreement with another party to use a piece of artwork on the hardco...