Define ottavino. ottavino synonyms, ottavino pronunciation, ottavino translation, English dictionary definition of ottavino. n a piccolo Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 19
rhinopathy, endometriosis, uraemia, emphysematous phlegmon, atherogenesis, fibrosis, cyst, indolent, cardiopulmonary arrest, pathologist, flux, mummification, strangulation, lesion, malacia, angiopathy, azoturia, pyorrhoea, gas gangrene, uropathy, anchylosis, medical science, health problem, sarcoidosis, ap...
(European Politics) originally, one who maintained extreme republican doctrines in France, - because a red liberty cap was the badge of the party; an extreme radical in social reform. See under Red. See also: Red, Republican Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C...
not Latin)octopi. The proper Greek plural isoctopodes--so three possible plurals for octopus. Similarly for rhinoceros, we haverhinoceroses, rhinoceri(incorrectly),rhinoceros(presumably pronounced differently from the singular) and
There was a sweet story, that wasn't in your face with a moral; and there's funny backup characters (mainly Rhino but Mittens is also funny) The ending is a little far-fetch, but that's the only down side. Box Office Tracking: Twilight Could Suck $65 Million From Moviegoers This ...
of them, or in case of refusal the tender will be valid. It is presumed, however, that only one action could be maintained for the whole. But if the articles in the agreement had not been enumerated; I could not, according to Toullier, deliver one in discharge of my contract, without...
2.any closely ranked unit or mass of people:the police formed a phalanx to protect the embassy. 3.a number of people united for a common purpose 4.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Fourierism) a group of approximately 1800 persons forming a commune in which all property is collectivel...
Define hyperrealities. hyperrealities synonyms, hyperrealities pronunciation, hyperrealities translation, English dictionary definition of hyperrealities. n. An artistic style characterized by highly realistic graphic representation. hy′per·re′al·ist
Reproduction of the Cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus Mitchill, 1815 (Elasmobranchii, Rhinopteridae), in captivity and newborn care Lat: latitude, CalAlgae: Calcareous algae, AC: Argentine croaker, AH: Argentine hake, AmH: American harvestfish, AR: Argentine red shrimp, AS: Argentine stiletto sh...
Some parascriptural dimensions of the "Tale of Harut wa-Marut" The author notes in passing (225n60) that Emperor Justinian II was nicknamed Rhinotmetos, which means "sliced nose" because he was mutilated after he was deposed the first time in an attempt to keep him from reascending the ...