Equity公平:is the idea of fairness or justice, such as in terms of distribution of output. Efficiency效率:is the use of resources in the most economical or optimal way possible. Horizontal equity横向公平:equal treatment of the equal....
Adj.1.reproductive- producing new life or offspring; "the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions"; "the reproductive or generative organs" procreative,generative fruitful- productive or conducive to producing in abundance; "be fruitful...
4. using a given product or resource with maximum efficiency (used in combination): a fuel-efficient engine. [1350–1400; Middle English (< Middle French) < Latin efficient-, s. of efficiēns] ef•fi′cient•ly, adv. syn: See effective. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictio...
INPUTSandOUTPUTSof goods and services. This relationship can be measured in physical terms (TECHNOLOGICAL EFFICIENCY) or cost terms (ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY). The concept of efficiency is used as a criterion in judging how wellMARKETShave allocated resources. SeeMARKET PERFORMANCE,RESOURCE ALLOCATION,...
Economic efficiency refers to how effectively a society's scarce resources are used to produce goods. Economists have several ways of measuring economic efficiency, based on the allocation of inputs, costs, or the allocation of final consumer goods. ...
Heuristics启发法:rule of thumb/mental shortcuts to speed up decision making. a)Anchoring锚定效应:tendency to rely on first piece of information obtained. b)Availability可用性:basing decisions on the easiest piece of information recalled. c)Repr...
Understand the definition of productive efficiency, learn the formula for measuring productive efficiency, and explore some examples of productive...
Resource management: Eliminates waste: With proper resource management, you can maximize resource efficiency across a variety of categories, ensuring that none of the equipment, space, or material you've invested in goes unused. Optimizes time: Resource planning ensures the team members you've hired...
In article is offered to determine efficiency of industrial potential with its distribution on internal and external. The system of parameters external and an internal efficiency of industrial potential use of the industrial enterprise according to a resource paradigm concerning material, financial, human...
The meaning of SHIFT is to exchange for or replace by another : change. How to use shift in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Shift.