relative permittivity Also found in:Thesaurus,Medical,Financial,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Related to relative permittivity:Relative permeability relative permittivity n. Seedielectric constant. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ...
Define Relative static permittivity. Relative static permittivity synonyms, Relative static permittivity pronunciation, Relative static permittivity translation, English dictionary definition of Relative static permittivity. n. The ratio of the permittiv
"The high-pressure phase obtained this time confirmed the presence of a polar structure from the observation of second harmonic generation of the same strength as potassium niobate, and a relatively high relative permittivity was also obtained. As for the dielectric constant, it is expected that va...
The dielectric constant (also calledrelative permittivity) is a dimensionless number that indicates how much a material increases the capacitance of a capacitor compared to a vacuum. Vacuum has a dielectric constant of 1, which means it does not affect the capacitance at all. Air has a dielectric...
are considered to constitute anionpair ("Bjerrumionpair"). [Z+ and Z- are thechargenumbers of the ions, andr is the relative permittivity (ordielectricconstant) of themedium.] Anionpair, the constituent ions of which are in directcontact(and not separated by an interveningsolventor otherneutra...
Origin of relative pronoun1 First recorded in 1520–30confusables note For relative pronoun See who. Compare definite relative pronoun, indefinite relative pronoun. Words Nearby relative pronoun relative molecular mass relativeness relative permeability relative permittivity relative pitch relative pronoun ...
Click here to learn what is wavenumber? It’s significance. formula and units. Also, visit BYJU'S for application of wavenumber equation in various disciplines.
Permeability is the measurement to check the extent of magnetic lines. The permittivity of free space is a constant that shows the ability of electrical fields to go through a vacuum.
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Related to relative flexibility:autogenic inhibition flex·i·ble (flĕk′sə-bəl) adj. 1. a.Capable of being bent or flexed; pliable:a flexible hose. b.Readily bending or twisting the body without injury:You can play soccer much better if you're flexible. ...