20. (Zoology) the nest or hollow in which a hare lives 21. (Biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ from similar groups by trivial differences, as of colour 22. (Linguistics) linguistics a. the phonological or orthographic shape or appearance of a linguistic element, su...
10. (Human Geography) the place in a town or village where a cross has been set up 11. (Building) a pipe fitting, in the form of a cross, for connecting four pipes 12. (Biology) biology a. the process of crossing; hybridization b. an individual produced as a result of this proce...
The probable combination of the genotypes is written within the Punnet square as all combinations are possible as the process of fertilization is random. The phenotypic and genotypic ratios of the offsprings are determined and written down. The resulting combination is called the F1 generation. ...
The calculation of statistical significance (significance testing) is subject to a certain degree of error. Even if data appear to have a strong relationship, researchers must account for the possibility that an apparent correlation arose due to random chance or asampling error. Sample size is an ...
(Maidak et al., 1994); an 'in-house' database with sequences obtained from anaerobic digesters (Chouari et al., 2003, determine whether the topology of the tree reflects the real differences among the communities or is due to an accumulation of random variation. Treeclimber implements ...
selection pressure would prevent mutations within the functional PB motifs at the C-terminal ends. In contrast, random creation and disruption of PB motifs by mutations are likely to occur without affecting the cell functions, thus yielding a background scatter of PB motif in proteins. In order ...
1 of 2 Learn about the greenness of plantsThe perfect absorbers of solar radiation are black objects, yet plants, which depend on efficient mechanisms of absorbing solar radiation, are overwhelmingly green. Speculation of why this is so ranges from random chance to the possibility that the radiati...
Also known as: Sewall Wright effect, genetic sampling error, non-Darwinian evolution, random genetic drift Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience...
1220(机器学习应用篇5)10.4 Random_Forest_in_Action13-28 - 1 06:45 1221(机器学习应用篇5)10.4 Random_Forest_in_Action13-28 - 3 06:49 1222(机器学习应用篇5)11.1 Adaptive_Boosted_Decision_Tree_15-0... - 1 07:35 1224(机器学习应用篇5)11.2 Optimization_View_of_AdaBoost_27-25... - 1...
2. The limit of the relative frequency of an event in a sequence of N random trials as N approaches infinity. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 probability Statistics p value The likelihood that an event will occur by chance alone, and given a value between 0–impossible and...