Quran orQur·ʾan [ koo-rahn, koo-ran] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun the sacred text of Islam, divided into 114 chapters, or suras: revered as the word of God, dictated to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel, and accepted as the foundation of Islamic law, religion, culture, and politics...
The meaning of QURAN is the book composed of sacred writings accepted by Muslims as revelations made to Muḥammad by Allah through the angel Gabriel.
Define Quran. Quran synonyms, Quran pronunciation, Quran translation, English dictionary definition of Quran. or Qur·'an also Qur·an n. The sacred text of Islam, considered by Muslims to contain the revelations of God to Muhammad. Ko·ran′ic adj. Amer
Islam [is-lahm,iz-,is-luhm,iz-] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Quran, the basic principle of which is absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah....
Islam in Islam topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishIs‧lam /ˈɪslɑːm, ˈɪz-, ɪsˈlɑːm/ noun [uncountable] 1 the Muslim religion, which was started by Muhammad and whose holy book is the Quran (Koran)2 the people and countries that follow this ...
Islam,Islamism the religion of Islam; Muhammadanism.— Islamist,n.— Islamitic,adj. Kaabism the tradition in Islam of venerating a shrine in Mecca through pilgrimage and prayers made after turning in its direction.— Kaaba,n., adj.
The Shahada is the First Pillar of Islam. Muslims must profess a phrase, written in Arabic, acknowledging Allah as the one true God and Muhammad as his messenger. The phrase is found often on architecture and in Arabic writings. It is prevalent in the Quran, the book of holy and divine ...
The Quran (or Koran) is the major holy text of Islam. The Hadith is another important book. Muslims also revere some material found in the Judeo-Christian Bible. Followers worship Allah by praying and reciting the Quran. They believe there will be a day of judgment, and life after death....
Book - the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina al-Qur'an, Koran, Quran sura - one of the sections (or chapters) in the Koran; "the Quran is divided in 114 suras"...
Clarity of the intended meaning of gharar also comes in the Quran, where it states, "And do not eat up your property among yourselves for vanities," which is interpreted as the prohibition of predatory business practices because such practices do not benefit the whole of society. ...