An increase in one'swagesorsalary. A company may offer a raise for seniority, exceptional work performance or some other reason. Some raises are automatic, especially to account for thecost of living, while others must be requested or earned. In the UK, a raise is sometimes called a rise...
Four-Level Pulse Amplitude Modulation four-limbed core four-lined leaf bug four-lined plant bug four-lobed four-membered four-minute four-minute man Four-minute mile Four-Mode Omissive/Transmissive Hybrid four-month pill Four-move checkmate ...
44. (Music, other) keep time to observe correctly the accent or rhythmic pulse of a piece of music in relation to tempo 45. lose time (of a timepiece) to operate too slowly 46. lose no time to do something without delay 47. make time a. to find an opportunity b. (often foll by...
tireless- showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality; "an indefatigable advocate of equal rights"; "a tireless worker"; "unflagging pursuit of excellence" indefatigable,unflagging,unwearying energetic- possessing or exerting or displaying energy; "an energetic fund raiser for the colle...
Dermoscopy of the Hair and Nails, 2nd Edition The booster also promises to generate airflow in a spiral with a pulse to penetrate deep into the hair root to ensure complete drying. Kiss hair dryer marks a first The bitter almond oil is used for hair fall, nourishing the hair root, hair...
44. (Music, other) keep time to observe correctly the accent or rhythmic pulse of a piece of music in relation to tempo 45. lose time (of a timepiece) to operate too slowly 46. lose no time to do something without delay 47. make time a. to find an opportunity b. (often foll by...
32. (Classical Music) beat time (of a conductor, etc) to indicate the tempo or pulse of a piece of music by waving a baton or a hand, tapping out the beats, etc 33. before one's time prematurely 34. for the time being for the moment; temporarily 35. from time to time at interv...
Define raised bogs. raised bogs synonyms, raised bogs pronunciation, raised bogs translation, English dictionary definition of raised bogs. n ecology a bog of convex shape produced by growth of sphagnum and other bog plants in acid conditions and the sub
Define raised doughnut. raised doughnut synonyms, raised doughnut pronunciation, raised doughnut translation, English dictionary definition of raised doughnut. Noun 1. raised doughnut - a doughnut made light with yeast rather than baking powder donut, si
stock index- index based on a statistical compilation of the share prices of a number of representative stocks stock market index index number,indicator,index,indicant- a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes ...