extend- prolong the time allowed for payment of; "extend the loan" temporise,temporize- draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time; "The speaker temporized in order to delay the vote" spin out,spin- prolong or extend; "spin out a visit" ...
Related to prolonged: Prolonged QT intervalpro·long (prə-lông′, -lŏng′) tr.v. pro·longed, pro·long·ing, pro·longs To lengthen in duration; protract: factors that prolong the drug's effect. [Middle English prolongen, from Old French prolonguer, from Late Latin prōlongāre...
Böhm M, Morano I, Pieske B, Rüegg JC, Wankerl M, Zimmermann R, Erdmann E (1991) Contribution of cAMP-Phosphodiesterase inhibition and sensitization of the contractile proteins for calcium to the inotropic effect of pimobendan in the failing human myocardium. Circ Res 68: 698–701 Google...
Drug prolongs QT interval and may lead to sudden death. Don't give to patients with hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, or long-QT syndrome. Correct hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia before starting drug and monitor for these imbalances periodically. Avoid concomitant drugs known to prolong QT interval; also av...
☞Monitor vital signs and ECG. Be aware that drug is known to prolong QT/QTc interval; some drugs that prolong QT/QTc interval can cause torsades de pointes, with sudden, unexplained death. ☞Monitor neurologic status. Report significant adverse reactions, particularly signs and symptoms of ne...
Related to QRS interval: QT intervalINTERVAL. A space of time between two periods. When a person is unable to perform an act at any two given periods, but in the interval he has performed such act, as when a man is found to be insane in the months of January and March, and he ent...
The acyl radical of proline. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 pro·lyl (prō'lil) The acyl radical of proline. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page,...
• concurrent use of drugs known to prolong QT interval • history of congenital long QT syndrome, known prolongation of QTc interval, uncompensated heart failure, severe left ventricular hypertrophy (avoid use) • elderly patients • pregnant or breastfeeding patients ...
Digoxin, phenytoin:increased blood levels of these drugs Drugs that prolong QT interval (such as amiodarone, fluconazole, fluoxetine, imipramine):increased risk of torsades de pointes, with sudden, unexplained death MAO inhibitors:risk of fatal reactions, including hyperthermia, rigidity, myoclonus, auto...
• concurrent use of drugs known to prolong QT interval (such as alfuzosin, amiodarone, ibutilide, or quetiapine) • concurrent use of moderate CYP3A inhibitors • concurrent use of strong CYP3A inducers or inhibitors (avoid use) • concurrent use of CYP3A substrates with narrow therapeutic...