1 of 2 verbat·tire ə-ˈtī(-ə)r attired; attiring Synonyms of attire transitive verb : to put garments on : dress, array … proceeded to attire herself for a professional visit. Charles Dickens The guests were formally attired. [=wearing formal clothing] especially : ...
attire (əˈtaɪə) vb (tr) to dress, esp in fine elegant clothes; array n 1. (Clothing & Fashion) clothes or garments, esp if fine or decorative 2. (Zoology) the antlers of a mature male deer [C13: from Old French atirier to put in order, from tire row; see tier1]...
The meaning of ATTIRE is to put garments on : dress, array; especially : to clothe in fancy or rich garments. How to use attire in a sentence.
Prominent among the topics investigated by sports sociologists are socialization into and through sports; sports and national identity; globalization and sports processes; elite sports systems; labour migration and elite sports; mass media and the rise of professional sports; commercialization of sports; ...
Define attirement. attirement synonyms, attirement pronunciation, attirement translation, English dictionary definition of attirement. n another name for attire Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins P
To wear appropriate attire for a job interview. He made sure to dress for the interview, wearing his best suit. 7 The interview gauntlet Facing a series of challenging interviews. Graduates often run the interview gauntlet when seeking their first job. ...
Advocates shall be appropriately dressed in professional attire prescribed under theAdvocates Act, 1961. High Courts under the Act of 1861 and provision for the enrolment of the advocates under the Letters Patent issued., Legal Practitioners Act, 1879 - Report of the Indian Bar Committee, 1923.,...
The Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 represent the present state of the long-running struggle between Lords and Commons, and reflects the fact that universal suffrage, which began in 1832 with the great Reform Act, has strengthened the hand of the Commons over the Lords. The thrust of the Acts...
The meaning of ATTIRE is to put garments on : dress, array; especially : to clothe in fancy or rich garments. How to use attire in a sentence.
the company discontinued the line. The company couldn't overcome consumers' perception of the brand as one associated with rugged casual wear and not business attire. However, Levi's learned from its mistake and in 1986 introduced Levi's Dockers, a line of casual khaki pants and other men's...