This chapter focuses on the definition and structure of preventive maintenance (PM). PM is the performance of inspection and servicing tasks that have been preplanned (i.e., scheduled) for accomplishment at specific points in time to retain the functional capabilities of operating equipment or ...
With emergency maintenance, you can rapidly rectify the fault and restore the normal operation of the system and device, and thus minimize the loss. Emergency maintenance also guides maintenance personnel to take preventive measures to protect the system from a great amount of service traffic. This...
planning, conducting regular inspections, and considering preventive measures, you can optimize your maintenance costs and ensure the longevity of your assets. So, make sure to account for maintenance
a society for the prevention of road accidents.prevenciónpreˈventive (-tiv) adjective that helps to prevent illness etc. preventive medicine.preventivo Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. prevention→ prevención Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins ...
Operation and Maintenanceor “O&M” shall mean all activities required to operate, maintain, and monitor the effectiveness of the RA as specified in the SOW or any EPA-approved O&M Plan. Preventive Maintenancemeans that maintenance, performed on a scheduled basis by the Contractor, which is de...
Define preventive nursing. preventive nursing synonyms, preventive nursing pronunciation, preventive nursing translation, English dictionary definition of preventive nursing. n. 1. The profession of a nurse. 2. The tasks or care of a nurse. American Heri
Define Maintenance, operations and repair. means those activities essential for the routine use for which a facility was designed, including preventive maintenance activities and related work that is required to preserve a facility in a condition such th
There are differenttypes of maintenancework, each designed for specific scenarios. Knowing the differences between maintenance types helps people determine which ones are the most suitable for their purposes. Routine Maintenance Routine maintenance, also referred to as preventive maintenance, is implemented...
Primary preventionrefers to the actions people take that help them avoid developing certain health problems. These problems can include diseases, sicknesses, injuries or conditions that are not beneficial to the body. These actions are the first type of preventive behaviors that are conducted before ...
The meaning of CUSTODY is immediate charge and control (as over a ward or a suspect) exercised by a person or an authority; also : safekeeping. How to use custody in a sentence.