:to act the part of playthe fool 7 a :to contend against in a game playingthe Dodgers today b :to put or keep in action playa card in a game playa fish on a line 8 :to cause something to produce music or sound playthe piano ...
The meaning of PRETEND is to give a false appearance of being, possessing, or performing. How to use pretend in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Pretend.
to pretend to cooperate or concur. to pretend interest in: It's obvious that you're just playing at fishing for my sake. to do something without seriousness: He is merely playing at being a student. Sports.to play an extra game or round in order to settle a tie. ...
We allhave a part/role to playin the future of this company. [=we all will be involved in an important way in the future of this company] —see alsorole-play b[no object]:to pretend that you have a particular quality or are in a particular condition ...
in play, out of play (of a ball) according to the rules of the game, (not) in a position where it can be hit, kicked etc. dentro/fuera de juego play at 1. to pretend to be etc. The children were playing at cowboys and Indians. jugar a 2. used when asking angrily what ...
Define nonplay. nonplay synonyms, nonplay pronunciation, nonplay translation, English dictionary definition of nonplay. n 1. social behaviour that is not classed as play 2. a dramatic composition that is not a play Collins English Dictionary – Complete
Nautical.(of a hull) to leak. make with,Slang. to operate; use: Let's make with the feet. to bring about; provide or produce: He makes with the big ideas, but can't follow through. makeas if/as though,Informal.to act as if; pretend: ...
「玩是做的虚构」“Play is the fiction of doing” 我无法告诉你它是如何发生的,所以如果你需要证明我并非天才,这轻而易举:我花了16年才想出这个六个字的句子,就像偶然在我身上发生一样。那是在夏天结束时,经过两个月的写作障碍,在回想这个定义问题时我突然明白了。
Pirates pretend the data are their own in order to make illegal income. The pirates can repackage the data items and publish them in the system. If the receiver searched for illegal data, they may send the request to the pirate and exchange keys, which can result in the detriment to ...
Buck[ingham] The Mayor is here at hand; pretend ſome fear, // Be not you ſpoke with, but by mighty ſuit; // And look you get a prayer-book in your hand, // And ſtand between two churchmen, good my lord, // For on that ground I’ll build a holy deſcant: /...