The S.I. unit of Pressure is the "PASCAL" Pressure is a scalar quantity, it has no direction. When the area is small, a moderate force can create a very large pressure. This is why a sharp knife is good at cutting things: when you push the very small area of the sharp blade agai...
atmospheric pressurethe pressure exerted by the atmosphere, usually considered as the downward pressure of air onto a unit of area of the earth's surface; the unit of pressure at sea level is oneatmosphere. Pressure decreases with increasing altitude. ...
pressure inPhysics topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishpres‧sure1/ˈpreʃə$-ər/●●●S1W1noun1persuade[uncountable]anattempttopersuadesomeone by usinginfluence,arguments, orthreatsThey areputting pressure onpeople to vote under pressure to do somethingThe minist...
压力的定义Definitionofstress 系统标签: pressuregaugedefinitiongaugesatmospherictube 压力的定义(Definitionofstress) Definitionofstress: Thepressureconcepthereisactuallythepressureinphysics, themagnitudeofthepressureontheunitarea. Absolutepressure:basedonabsolutepressurezero,above absolutepressurezero. Positivepressure:pr...
内容提示: 压力的定义(Definition of stress) Definition of stress: The pressure concept here is actually the pressure in physics, the magnitude of the pressure on the unit area. Absolute pressure: based on absolute pressure zero, above absolute pressure zero. Positive pressure: pressure of ...
Physics.force per unit area. : P Comparestress ( def 6 ). Meteorology.atmospheric pressure. Electricity.electromotive force. the state of beingpressedorcompressed. harassment; oppression: the pressures of daily life. a constraining or compelling force or influence: ...
Pressure In general terms, the pressure is something which builds up in our mind in tough and nervous instances. For example, the pressure of exams, performance pressure and many other things. But in terms of physics, the pressure is a significant physical quantity. If we decide to hammer a...
What is the unit of pressure in physics? The SI unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa), equivalent to newton per meter squared. It was named after Blaise Pascal due to his contributions to understanding atmospheric pressure. Other common units of pressure are atmosphere (atm), bar, millimeter ...
b.The condition of being pressed. 2.The application of continuous force by one body on another that it is touching; compression. 3.Abbr.PPhysicsForce applied uniformly over a surface, measured as force per unit area. 4.MeteorologyAtmospheric pressure. ...
Know how matter exerts pressure and learn its definition. Discover what gadget is used to measure air pressure along and how it works . Learn about the various units of pressure and their abbreviations such as atm, millimeters of mercury and Psi. ...