Potentially Hazardous Food (PHF means any food that consists in whole or in part of milk or milk products, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, edible crustacea, or other ingredients, including synthetic ingredients, in a form capable of supporting rapid and progressive growth of infectious or...
Evaluation and Definition of Potentially Hazardous A Report of the Institute of Food TechnologistsServices, Human
of定义OfandAnd定义和评估概念和 系统标签: definitionevaluation定义评估foodsinoculum Evaluationand Definitionof Potentially Hazardous Foods AReportoftheInstituteofFoodTechnologists fortheFoodandDrugAdministration oftheUnitedStatesDepartmentofHealthandHumanServices December31,2001 IFT/FDAContractNo.223-98-2333 TaskOrd...
The meaning of DANGEROUS is involving possible injury, pain, harm, or loss : characterized by danger. How to use dangerous in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Dangerous.
Potentially hazardous foodmeans any food or ingredient, natural or synthetic, in a form capable of supporting the growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms, including Clostridium botulinum. This term includes raw or heat treated foods of animal origin, raw seed sprouts, and treated foods of ...
The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition develops regulations related to food, food additives and colorings, and cosmetics. The Center for Devices and Radiological Health seeks to ensure the safe use of potentially hazardous radiation such as that produced by X rays. It conducts research ...
Define Potentially unwanted programs. Potentially unwanted programs synonyms, Potentially unwanted programs pronunciation, Potentially unwanted programs translation, English dictionary definition of Potentially unwanted programs. unauthorized software in
plastic pollutionPlastic pollution, including many single-use plastics like bags and food packaging, in the ocean. The presence of environmental pollution raises the issue ofpollution control. Great efforts are made to limit the release of harmful substances into the environment throughair pollution con...
(redirected from Waste, Hazardous)Also found in: Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia. hazardous waste n. Waste material, such as nuclear waste or an industrial byproduct, that is potentially damaging to the environment and harmful to humans and other organisms. American Heritage® Dictionary of the...
Toxic waste, chemical waste material capable of causing death or injury to life. Waste is considered toxic if it is poisonous, radioactive, explosive, or bioaccumulative (that is, increasing in concentration at the higher ends of food chains) or if it ca