- In polymer chemistry, condensation polymers are any kind of polymers whose process of polymerization involves a condensation reaction (i.e. a small molecule...- affects the optical properties of the polymers, its optical band gap and electronic levels. Common synthetic polymers have main chains ...
advanced polymer materialsbiomaterialsdefinitiondesign–synthesis–characterization–processing–understanding–utilizationfunctional materialsmaterials chemistrynanomaterialsstructural materialsMaterials chemistry is focused on the design, preparation, and understanding of innovative materials. It is an emerging area of ...
(Chemistry) the act or process of forming a polymer or copolymer, esp a chemical reaction in which a polymer is formed Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
noun , Chemistry. the act or process of forming a polymer or polymeric compound. the combination of many like or unlike molecules to form a more complex product of higher molecular weight, with elimination of water, alcohol, or the like condensation polymerization, or without such elimination add...
a compound of high molecular weight derived either by the addition of many smaller molecules, as polyethylene, or by the condensation of many smaller molecules with the elimination of water, alcohol, or the like, as nylon. [1865–70; < Greekpolymerḗshaving many parts. Seepoly-,-mer] ...
The vulcanization of rubber was another big achievement in polymer chemistry. German chemist Friedrich Ludersdorf (1801–1886) and American inventor Nathaniel Hayward (1808–1865) independently found addingsulfurto natural rubber helped keep it from becoming sticky. The process of vulcanizing rubber by ...
addition polymer noun , Chemistry. a polymer formed by the direct reaction of two or more monomers, and with no resulting water or other by-product. Word of the DayApril 17, 2024axolotl [ak-suh-lot-l ]Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign ...
Have you ever wondered about the chemical composition of plastic or how it is made? Here's a look at what plastic is and how it is formed. Plastic Definition and Composition Plastic is any synthetic or semisynthetic organicpolymer. In other words, while other elements might be present, plasti...
Cellulose nitrate is derived from the cellulose that makes up plant cell walls; it is so combustible it can be used in place of gunpowder. Rayon fiber, or cellulose acetate, is used to make a variety of yarns and fabrics. Plastics: Polymer Examples The most common, and famous, of the sy...
Cellulose nitrate is derived from the cellulose that makes up plant cell walls; it is so combustible it can be used in place of gunpowder. Rayon fiber, or cellulose acetate, is used to make a variety of yarns and fabrics. Plastics: Polymer Examples The most common, and famous, of the sy...