plasma [plaz-muh] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun Anatomy, Physiology.the liquid part of blood or lymph, as distinguished from the suspended elements. Cell Biology.cytoplasm. whey. a green, faintly translucent chalcedony. Physics.a highly ionized gas containing an approximately equal number of positive...
What is the plasma membrane? What does the plasma membrane do? View a plasma membrane definition, plasma membrane function, and plasma membrane...
An imaging technique for evaluating vascular defects in the form of arterial or venous obstruction, in which a radiocontrast medium is injected into a vessel of interest in order to evaluate anatomy, in particular stenoses and thrombosis.
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromcataplasms) Thesaurus Medical cat·a·plasm (kăt′ə-plăz′əm) n. Seepoultice. [Middle Englishcathaplasmaand Frenchcataplasme, both from Latincataplasma, from Greekkataplasma, fromkataplas...
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a different number of charged particles on one side of the plasma membrane, or cell membrane, than the other, there is a voltage across the plasma membrane. In the case of potassium, there is a higher concentration of potassium ions (K+) in the cytoplasm compared to the outside the cell...
Coronary artery anatomy may often be well-known; such knowledge may be used to interpret abnormal troponin results. If normal coronary arteries are present, either a type 2 MI or a non-coronary mechanism for troponin release may be invoked [97]. On the other hand, when coronary anatomy is ...
作者: VS Adigezalov 摘要: The approach to the definition of the equation of the characteristic of solenoidal differential-transformer gauge with step measuring windings and two short cores which may be used for calculation and optimum design is described. 年份: 2002 收藏...
B lymphocytes carry their specific antibodies in their plasma membrane. When they find a pathogen that is a match for their antibody they become activated and mature into plasma cells. Plasma cells are antibody factories and produce mass quantities of their particular antibody to help attack the ...
Define sarcoplasmatic. sarcoplasmatic synonyms, sarcoplasmatic pronunciation, sarcoplasmatic translation, English dictionary definition of sarcoplasmatic. n. The cytoplasm of a striated muscle fiber. sar′co·plas·mat′ic , sar′co·plas′mic adj. Ameri