Related to pineal glands:pituitary glands,Thymus glands,Thyroid glands pin·e·al (pĭn′ē-əl, pī′nē-) adj. 1.Having the form of a pine cone. 2.Of or relating to the pineal gland. [Frenchpinéal, from Latinpīnea,pine cone, from feminine ofpīneus,of pine, frompīnus,pine tr...
The meaning of PINEAL GLAND is a small, typically cone-shaped structure of the brain that arises from the roof of the third ventricle, is enclosed by the pia mater, and functions primarily as an endocrine gland secreting melatonin.
“Pineal gland.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 20 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of pineal gland to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of pineal gland on Twitter Twitter Kids Defin...
The pineal gland is a small, pinecone shaped gland that is located deep inside the brain. Still somewhat mysterious to biologists, it is highly active in early childhood and appears to function to control development of sexual traits. There is also evidence that it may function with the human...
pineal pineal gland References in periodicals archive ? Optimal management of HIE includes prompt resuscitation, continued supportive care (thermal regulation, fluid / electrolytes, blood glucose homeostasis and control of seizures).9 However, even with optimal management, approximate half the newborns with...
It had a prominent pineal foramen -- a hole in the top of its head that many lizard species use to sense sunlight and judge the length of daylight hours. FromScience Daily Melatonin is produced naturally in the pineal gland to signal the body that it is time to sleep and regulate its ...
The reviewers were particularly concerned with the compound’s potential to harm pregnant women and children, as well as its effect on the pituitary gland. From Los Angeles Times But in the case of cysts of the pineal gland, there is a large amount of information on the web which prompts ...
Pineal gland 松果腺(體) 位於脊椎動物的第一腦胞向外長出的突起,分泌黑色素(melatonin),與許多動物的 生物週期有關,進而影響動物行為,例:鳥類的遷徙;甚至對某些動物的生殖作用 有影響,例如:光照→抑制褪黑激素分泌→抑制生殖腺發育參與某些生理節律。
pineal glandpineal body. pituitary glandseepituitary gland. preputial g'ssmall sebaceous glands of the corona of the penis and the inner surface of the prepuce, which secrete smegma; called alsoLittre's glandsandTyson's glands. prostate glandprostate. ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook pine cone Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to pine cone:pineal gland pine cone or n (Botany) the seed-producing structure of a pine tree. Seecone3a Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, ...