"Partnership" is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all. persons There should be at least two persons to form a partnership or partnership firm. Restrictions on the number of persons The maximum...
1. cooperation, association, alliance, sharing, union, connection, participation, copartnership the partnership between Germany's banks and its businesses 2. company, firm, corporation, house, interest, society, conglomerate, cooperative As the partnership prospered, the employees shared in the benefits...
:to become firm:harden —often used withup 2 :to recover from a decline:improve the market isfirming firm 4 of 4 noun 1 :the name or title under which a company transacts business 2 :a partnership of two or more persons that is not recognized as a legal person distinct from the memb...
5 : a member of a partnership Legal Definition partner noun part·ner : one of two or more persons associated as joint principals in carrying on a business for the purpose of enjoying a joint profit : a member of a partnership specifically : a partner in a law firm — dorm...
1.One that is united or associated with another or others in an activity or a sphere of common interest, especially: a.A member of a business partnership. b.A spouse. c.A domestic partner. d.A lover. e.Either of two persons dancing together. ...
What Is a Limited Partnership vs. a Limited Liability Partnership? In limited partnerships (LPs), general partners manage operations of the firm and have full liability. Limited (silent) partners are not involved in day-to-day operations and enjoy limited liability. A limited liability partnership...
A firm is a business organization—such as a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership—that sells goods or services to make a profit.
associations. Accordingly, some partner-ships may contain individuals as well as large corporations. Family members may also form and operate a partnership, but courts generally look closely at the structure of a family business before recognizing it as a partnership for the benefit of the firm's...
a partnership or association for carrying on a business. Synonyms:house,concern,business,company the name or title under which associated parties transact business: the firm of Smith & Jones. Discover More Other Words From firm·lyadverb
The Partnership is therelationwhich subsists between individuals, who have decided to pool their money, skill and resources in business, to share profits and losses, in an agreed ratio. The members of a partnership, are jointly known as thepartnership firmand severally known aspartners. ...