Define oxymoronic. oxymoronic synonyms, oxymoronic pronunciation, oxymoronic translation, English dictionary definition of oxymoronic. n. pl. ox·y·mo·rons or ox·y·mo·ra A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, a
The meaning of OXYMORON is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements. How to use oxymoron in a sentence. Frequently Asked
Yes.Oxymoronicis the adjectival form ofoxymoron.Oxymoronicallyis the adverbial form of the word. There is, we regret to inform you, no commonly used verb form of the word. Examples ofoxymoronin a Sentence The phrase "Broadway rock musical" is anoxymoron. Broadway doesn't have the nerve to...
ox′y·gen′ic(-jĕn′ĭk)adj. ox′y·gen′i·cal·lyadv. ox·yg′e·nous(ŏk-sĭj′ə-nəs)adj. Word History:One of the most important substances on earth is misnamed. The wordoxygenis the Anglicized form of Frenchoxygène,the name for the element proposed in a work ...
In this short excerpt, Romeo is talking to Benvolio and his obsession with Rosaline. Romeo exclaims these words and concludes with the oxymoronic “loving hate”. This phrase expresses the possibility that love and hate can interact at the same time. One can feel parts of each. ...
For example, that females are different from but equal to males is oxymoronic by virtue of thenounedstatus of female and male as kinds of persons. 2000,Andrew J. DuBrin,The complete idiot's guide to leadership: However, too muchnouningmakes you sound bureaucratic, immature, and verbally ch...
Definitions from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. adjectiveGiven to or characterized by repetition. from The Century Dictionary. Containing repetitions; repeating; repetitious. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. ...
DOG. A well known domestic animal. In almost all languages this word is, a term or name of contumely or reproach. See 3 Bulst. 226; 2 Mod. 260; 1 Leo. 148; and the title action on the case for defamation in the Digests; Minsheu's Dictionary. ...
nounThe act of allotting; distribution as by lot. nounThat which is allotted; a share, part, or portion granted or distributed; that which is assigned by lot or by the act of God. nounA place or piece of ground appropriated by lot or assignment. ...
Sinceyawningis nature’s way of getting you to take a deep breath, you should look into reasons for shallow breathing. Q&A: What's causing my constant yawning?2010 Not only does research show thatyawningis contagious, it suggests yawning weeds out the starers who are a bit less empathetic ...