1.Placed or located directly across from something else or from each other:opposite sides of a building. 2.Facing the other way; moving or tending away from each other:opposite directions. 3.Being the other of two complementary or mutually exclusive things:the opposite sex; an opposite role ...
opposite field Wikipedia n.Baseball The part of the field that is across from or opposite the side of home plate at which the batter stands, as left field for a left-handed batter. op′po·site-field′adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright ...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All What do SCOTUS, POTUS, and FLOTUS mean?
The meaning of HARD is not easily penetrated : not easily yielding to pressure. How to use hard in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Hard.
Lines, line segments, and rays can all be parallel. This means these figures will not intersect and that the distance between them will remain constant. What shape has parallel sides? Many different shapes have parallel sides. Trapezoids have one set of parallel sides, while squares, rectangles...
IPostive rays in cathode ray tube experiments? I read in the following book A history of the sciences by Stephen F. Mason. About the discovery of the electron the write what I attached in the picture. I wonder what do these positive rays traveling in the opposite direction they talk about...
Similarly, an angle is a figure formed by two rays with the same initial point. Ingeometry, different names are given to different angels and their combinations depending upon the type ofanglesthey make. Different geometrical shapes such as a triangle or a quadrilateral contain a set of angles...
Identifying Types of Lines: Lesson for Kids Lines & Planes in Space Vertex in Geometry | Definition & Examples Straight Line Definition, Types & Examples Intersecting Lines | Definition, Properties & Examples Opposite Rays | Overview & Examples Perpendicular Lines | Definition & Examples Ray in Geom...
of the color of pure snow, of the margins of this page, etc.; reflecting nearly all the rays of sunlight or a similar light. light or comparatively light in color. (of human beings) belonging to a group marked by slight pigmentation of the skin, often of European descent. ...
The meaning of LENS is a piece of transparent material (such as glass) that has two opposite regular surfaces either both curved or one curved and the other plane and that is used either singly or combined in an optical instrument for forming an image by