non li·tur gi·cal·lyadverb Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofliturgical1 1635–45;<Medieval Latinlītūrgic(us) <Late Greekleitourgikósministering (leitourg(ós) minister +-ikos-ic;liturgy) +-al1 Discover More Example Sentences ...
1.Of, relating to, or in accordance with liturgy:a book of liturgical forms. 2.Using or used in liturgy. 3.Of or relating to the conventional orientation of churches with the altar toward the east. li·tur′gi·cal·lyadv. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
Mass is the name for the ceremony that celebrates the sacrament of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church. It is the central act of worship in the church.
b. The body of ceremonies or rites used in a place of worship or by an organization: according to Catholic ritual. 2. A book of rites or ceremonial forms. 3. A set of actions that are conducted routinely in the same manner: My household chores have become a morning ritual. 4. Zoology...
The meaning of BENEDICTINE is a monk or a nun of one of the congregations following the rule of St. Benedict and devoted especially to scholarship and liturgical worship.
Stringer is an anthropologist (though he is also a Professor in Liturgical and Congregational Studies in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK) and his basic source of data is ethnographic. His own ethnographic beginnings lie in a study of the ...
As an academic community relying on the wisdom of the same Holy Spirit, we root ourselves in the Christian tradition, and interpret that legacy in light of theRoman Catholicand Benedictine heritage passed on to us by Saint John’s Abbey with its rich theological, liturgical and ecumenical histor...
liturgical and ethical way constantly expatiated on by the prophets and priests, by rabbinic sages, and by philosophers. Such conduct was to be performed in the service of God, the transcendent and immanent ruler of the universe, the Creator and the propelling force of nature, and the one ...
Though, given the occasional medievalism of the Liturgical Movement, this too, is perhaps less unusual than I might think. St. Robert's, Shorewood, Wisconsin 2009 Yet in one area of our Scottish existence the nation still clings to medievalism in its approach. Stop prisoners from voting? Tha...
Christmas [Christ‘s Mass], in the Christian calendar, feast of the nativity of Jesus, celebrated in Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches on Dec. 25. In liturgical importance it ranks afterEaster,Pentecost, andEpiphany(Jan. 6). The observance probably does not date earlier thanA.D.200 and ...