Medical Editor:Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD homemedical dictionary Neoplasm:A tumor. From Healthy Resources 10 Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms 10 Ways to Take Control of Your Migraine High-Risk Myelofibrosis: Treatment Options Featured Centers
(redirected fromOvarian neoplasm) Ovarian Cancer Definition Ovariancanceris cancer of the ovaries, the egg-releasing and hormone-producing organs of the female reproductive tract. Cancerous, or malignant, cells divide and multiply in an abnormal fashion. ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook neoplasm Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia ne·o·plasm (nē′ə-plăz′əm) n. An abnormal new growth of tissue in animals or plants; a tumor. ...
A A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close cancer (redirected from malignant neoplasm)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Cancer Definition Cancer is not just one...
Antigens, neoplasm) marker [mahr´ker] something that identifies or that is used to identify; see also determinant. cell-surface marker an antigenic determinant found on the surface of a specific type of cell. tumor marker a biochemical substance indicative of presence of a tumor; ideally, ...
NEOPLASM: New or abnormal tissue growth that is uncontrollable and progressive. NEPHROTOXIC: Poisonous to the kidney. NEURITIS: Inflammation of the nerves. NEUTRALIZE: To render chemically harmless; to return the ph to the neutral level of 7. NON-FLAMMABLE: Incapable of being easily ignited...
- Germ cell tumor (GCT) is a neoplasm derived from the primordial germ cells. Germ-cell tumors can be cancerous or benign. Germ cells normally occur inside...- organism or agent that can produce disease. A pathogen may also be referred to as an infectious agent, or simply a germ. The...
A deeper knowledge of the histology of FLAIR hyperintensity areas in GBM, IDH-wt may serve to better guide neurosurgeons on the choice of the most appropriate surgical approach in patients with this neoplasm. Keywords: glioblastoma; enhancing core; FLAIR; histopathology ...
2. Without proof, suspicion, of itself, is evidence of nothing. When a crime has been committed, an arrest may be made when, 1st. There are such circumstances as induce a strong presumption of guilt; as being found in possession of goods recently stolen, without giving a probable account ...
Radiological procedure, clinical interpretation of X-ray, IVP Barium meal, Sonography etc. When the admission/encounter is for management of an anemia associated with an adverse effect of radiotherapy, the anemia code should be sequenced first, followed by the appropriate neoplasm code and code Y84....