Witch hazel, (genus Hamamelis), any of five species of the genus Hamamelis (family Hamamelidaceae), all of which are shrubs and small trees that are native to eastern North America and eastern Asia. Some are grown for their yellow flowers, with four narr
In contrast, coupled models using Finnish count data provided evidence of limiting effects of goshawks on capercaillie, but not on black grouse or hazel grouse (Tornberg et al. Predation, predator control and grouse populations: a review The Landesmuseum had promised more, Ibex and Alpine Marmot...
Define Hazrat Umar. Hazrat Umar synonyms, Hazrat Umar pronunciation, Hazrat Umar translation, English dictionary definition of Hazrat Umar. n a variant transliteration of the Arabic name for Omar Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12t
The nut tree native to the more northern areas of Europe was the hazel. In order to tell apart the native hazelnut and the less familiar walnut, Old English called the walnut wealhhnutu, which means "foreign nut." This word is a compound of wealh, "foreigner" and hnutu "nut." The...
by your deeds of bravery, by your leader Evander's name, by your triumphant campaigns, and my hope that now rises to rival my father's honour, trust not to flight... — The Aeneid of Virgil • Virgil Read full book for free! ....
biographical nameˈblak-ˌhȯk 1767–1838 Ma-ka-ta-i-me-she-kia-kiak Sauk Indian chief Dictionary Entries Near Black Hawk black haw Black Hawk black hazel See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Black Hawk.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://...
Née definition: formerly known as (used following the person’s current or recognized name to introduce a previous, usually feminine, name). See examples of NÉE used in a sentence.
... his horse to a young hazel and crossed the sandy interval between the mainland and the rock, sea-wrack bladders bursting under his feet, and the smells of seaweed dominant over the odours of the winter wood. The tower was pitch dark. He went into the bower, sat on the rotten sea...
In humans, eye color is influence by numerous genes, and these all code for the six main eye colors: amber, blue, brown, green, grey, and hazel. These colors are based on the amount of melanin that is present in the iris. Brown, is the most common eye color in the world with ...
Feosol - trade name of a drug rich in iron; used to treat some kinds of anemia Fergon - trade name of a drug rich in iron; used to treat some types of anemia fertility drug - a drug used to increase a woman's fertility generic drug - when the patent protection for a brand-name ...