1.To take pleasure; delight:The hiker paused, pleasuring in the sounds of the forest. 2.To go in search of pleasure or enjoyment. Idiom: my pleasure Used to acknowledge an expression of gratitude. [Middle English, from Old Frenchplaisir, fromplaisir,to please; seeplease.] ...
My pleasure Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster,她也见证了差一点逆风翻盘的奇迹。从0:4落后,到一分分追平。“三个中国姑娘特别顽强,我看着她们一箭一箭地去博每一分,太厉害了!最后打平之后,进入加赛,三个人一人射一箭,轮换着来,我当时看得心都要跳出来了。”
2.To be the will or desire of:May it please the court to admit this firearm as evidence. v.intr. 1.To give satisfaction or pleasure; be agreeable:waiters who try hard to please. 2.To have the will or desire; wish:Do as you please. Sit down, if you please. ...
Share the Definition of enjoy on Twitter Twitter Kids Definition enjoy verb en·joy in-ˈjȯi 1 : to have or experience as a benefit or for one's use enjoy great success enjoying the freedom to pursue one's interests 2 : to take pleasure from I didn't enjoy the movie...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
Definition of metonymy 转喻 Definitionofmetonymy转喻 •Metonymyistheactofreferringtosomethingbythenameofsomethingelsethatiscloselyconnectedwithit.•转喻指当甲事物与乙事物不相类似,但有密切关系时,可以利用这种关系,用乙事物的名称代替甲事物的一种修辞方法。Exampleofmetonmy •Thepenismighterthanthesword.Pen...
pleasure of something the simple pleasures of the countryside the pleasures and pains of everyday life Swimming is one of my greatest pleasures. Chocolate is one of life’s little pleasures. This movie was one of the unexpected pleasures of the Film Festival. it is a pleasure to do somethin...
I always remind myself if I'm having a down day because of a bad race it's not just me. That feeling I'm having is shared by my family, the team and my fans. When we win they feel the joy as well. That's why I say we win and lose together, and I definitely couldn't do...
What’s the definition of happiness? The definition of happiness in the dictionary is emotions experienced when in a state of well-being such as pleased.In my opinion,Happiness differs from pleasure. Pleasure is just about immediate gratification, but happiness should be achieved through a struggle...
Origin ofplay1 First recorded before 900; (noun)Middle Englishplei(e)“merriment, sport, pleasure,”Old Englishplega“quick movement, play” (as inswordplay);(verb)Middle Englishpleyen,Old Englishpleg(i)an(cognate withMiddle Dutchpleien“to leap for joy, dance, rejoice, be glad”) ...