Multiple Births Twins Triplets Multiple Bit Differential Detection Multiple Bit Rate Multiple Bit Upset multiple bitrate streaming Multiple Block Allocation Multiple Block-Coded Modulation multiple body trauma Multiple Bomb Rack Multiple Bonds Multiple bone involvement Multiple Books of Record multiple boot Mult...
Define Live births. Live births synonyms, Live births pronunciation, Live births translation, English dictionary definition of Live births. n the birth of a living child. Compare stillbirth Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edit
:the product of a quantity and a whole number 35 is amultipleof 7 Medical Definition multiple adjective mul·ti·pleˈməl-tə-pəl 1 :consisting of, including, or involving more than one multiplebirths 2 :affecting many parts of the body at once ...
On the first prenatal visit the patient's medical history is taken in considerable detail, including any diseases or operations she has had, the course of previous pregnancies, if any, and whether there is a family history of multiple births or of diabetes mellitus or other chronic diseases. ...
These drugs increase the risk of multiple births (twins, triplets, etc.). Other possible medications include gonadotropin medications, which are injected medications made up of hormones produced in the pituitary glands. They may directly stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. Follicle stimulating ...
Parity was variability defined as the number of conceptions, pregnancies, births and babies. Only 12 sources offered a definition in reference to multiple pregnancy. Of these, 8 sources defined multiple births as a single parous event. Conclusions There are variations in definitions for the term ...
Where the home address is unclear, the Admission Authority will determine the appropriate address taking into account factors such as the address to which the ChildBenefit Allowanceor Child Tax Credit is payable, registration for medical services etc.Multiple births:Defined as the birth of more than...
multiple sclerosis means an inflammatory, nervous system disease in which the myelin sheaths around the axons of nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord are damaged, leading to demyelination and affecting the ability of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to communicate with each other; M...
IVF using fresh embryos from donor eggs has a high success rate, resulting in live births 55% of the time. IVF and Multiples When embryos are transferred to the uterus in IVF, it is typical to transfer 2-4 embryos at once, increasing the likelihood of pregnancy but also increasing the ...
may choose to consider IVF with donor eggs and her partner's sperm. The resulting baby is biologically related to the father and not the mother, although the mother carries the pregnancy. IVF using fresh embryos from donor eggs has a high success rate, resulting in live births 55% of the...