Secondly, the new definition is a tool for analyzing the meaning of the miracle stories. This article is meant to be part of a series analyzing the issue of miracles in the Gospel of Luke.Wasiak, WojciechPoznan Theological Studies / Poznanskie Studia Teologiczne...
Define miracle-man. miracle-man synonyms, miracle-man pronunciation, miracle-man translation, English dictionary definition of miracle-man. n , pl miracle-men a man who is capable of miraculous feats Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged,
miracles have occasionally been defined as supernatural events, but this definition presupposes a very specificconceptionofnatureand natural laws and cannot, therefore, be generally applied. The significance of a miraculous event is frequently held to reside not in the event as such but in the reali...
the King’s EnglishPerfectly spoken English; also,the Queen’s English. The British monarch has long been considered the paragon of flawless diction, notwithstanding the fact that many of the kings and queens spoke with heavy accents. The expression was used in Shakespeare’sMerry Wives of Windsor...
... not only that He might work miracles, but also that He might communicate this grace to others. Hence it is written (Matt. 10:1) that, "having called His twelve disciples together, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of diseases, and...
A miracle play, on the other hand, focused on the lives of saints. Some of these stories were considered real, and others fictitious. They were concerned with a saint’s miracles, martyrdom, and life story. These plays, which were once tied to the church, were separated and performed at...
of his miracles: He lit a fire with icicles. He struck them like a steel to flint, did St. Sebolt... Notice how the inclusion of the intervening words "one / of his miracles," doesn't prevent this from counting as an example of chiasmus. Chiasmus in Shakespeare's Othello In this...
However that may be, certain it is that this is a red-letter night at the Mermaid. Shakespeare's Christmas Gift to Queen Bess | Anna Benneson McMahan The morning when were produced these charming little miracles remains a red-letter day in our household. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, ...
being conceived of the Holy Spirit, was clothed with human flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, lived thirty years on earth, doing an infinitude of miracles, raising the dead, healing the sick, driving out devils, giving sight to the blind, teaching men the will of God his Father, ....
Used of a boat or ship. b. To sail against the wind. 12. To undergo small motions that result in friction and wear: The gears work against each other. 1. To cause or effect; bring about: working miracles. 2. To cause to operate or function; actuate, use, or manage: ...